Unionise Australia!

Unionise Australia!

 “You did what? What! .. hang on .. you did what, dug a hole and put the cat in it? In the hole ..our cat? You burried the cat?. “It was dead dad ..”. Here you wonder where to go? Do you check the hole? Do you ask how the cat died? Or nod and walk away .. ?

Another busy day. Brains exploding. Reading Lycurgus & Godwin .. refereeing birds, suicide radio tells me some other group of fools are testing our free speech rights today – so waiting to get a ‘bit a fact’ …
… Scotty, our newly imposed king, is having a tweet at Union. Christ I hope we dont start our representatives tweeting away. Giving us the goo, so to speak, via little twits and twats. And union, whats he got against union? A week or so ago he was all for union. Unity. Eindracht Maacht Macht. All 25 million of us! 25 million united Australians with a petty group of not so wise ‘young men’ .. with a mandate. A mandate to run our lives for us and to police our conscience.

Now me, I think its time the Unions got themselves together and took a good look at what they too are supposed to be doing. If some dude wants to take a pic of his kid holding a political poster, whether it has much artistic content or not, and some fool wants to get hold of it and post it about .. these days, well ‘things have changed Uncle Mitch’ .. these days, who gives a shit.

However, Unions have a job to do. They have to give the system a good belt every so often when they feel it has run off the rails. Yes, when they feel. It’s the psychology and reasoning of the little clique of neoLibs – they’ve just spent three years proving it to us. Unions have as much right to organise and protest as do the neo-liberal political parties. Their work place is different but they’re all full of Australians. It appears it’s good to be united but not good to be in a union?

Unions need to realise that it IS okay to say NO! We will support them if they are truly open. Striking is a right! The right to strike, to remove the labour that the neoLibs say they cant do without, is a democratic right. If a government – especially a non representative one like we have – blocks all reasonable avenues of complaint, redress .. then it’s a democratic duty to open them – not just a Union duty but a duty of every Australian. Because Unions, like Parties, are full of Australians – Australians defending Rights and dignity won by our forefathers, on our behalf, for all of us.

We have a right to dissent. We have a right to fight for our rights. We have a right to vocalise our dissent, our disgust. We have a right to do everything in our power to depose and resist a government that is not operating in our interests, a government that is not inclusive, a government that sets itself above the people who employ it.

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