The Olde Gin Joint
.. listening to the afternoon kiwi, another thing about winning – raffles. Some old chick tellin’ us about when she won a 44 gallon drum of petrol .. Bowlo raffle. She was under-aged that night and didnt drive anyway. She took the cash. $18! Those were the days …
Oops, Qlds taken a right downhill, seems Anna Ps given Mad Bob’s Boys a smack – for speaking their minds freely – I dont see where she gets this right. The attempt at censorship bothers me, I mean she says she’s against fascism. I think she is .. except in Qld. As long as its not Pistol Pete fascism. ? The assumption that she has this right to punish a fellow citizen who feels differently from her, a fellow representative who at least has the balls to say what he thinks – remember, better an honest enemy than a dishonest friend – is, well its presumptuous … Its un-Australian, Anna! Still, its not something the neoLibs & Nats can give you much grief over, is it? Pete’s too busy for corporative Qld right now anyway – he’s busy passing out bucks
.. hang on hang on, whats this, distilling. Something I’ve allways wanted to know. Im learning Gin, imported juniper and native grass. Get your mush .. then heat it up to 80° (alcohol boils at 78°) and pass the fumes, the steam, the vapour through the condenser. Mmmm .. this is good. Now, an important point, the first bit of spirit will have impurities in it – things that vapourise at lower temperatures than 78° – the middle is the good stuff. Pure and sweet, I’m told, he says that the end bit too will perhaps not be so nice as it will have lots of nasties from whats left of the boiled mush. Mmmm. This I’m told is the trick. Getting the middle bit with as little possible of the bad ends. Ok? Now we have ~80% of the poison in our mix … Is this 80 proof? Anyway we now – and here’s another secret, another trick – we mix it with water to halve its percentage .. smart eh, – starting to sound like a tax explanation from Scotty – so we kill ourselves slower. The water can change the quality, the feel even the taste .. so you’ve got to get the water right.
“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which
we suffer.”. – Tom Paine, from Common Sense.