The Gift of Laws

The Gift of Laws

Seems the solution to any form of Climate Change – helped along by humanity or not – and subsequent ‘people movement’ is in legislation. Well, it’s worked before … More law. Pity we cant eat laws, we must have banks and banks of old overlapping decaying meaningless laws stored away in silos by now.

How long have we been conjuring up laws, man made artificial laws? Let’s give it .. oh, say 15000 years – sure, perhaps God only gave her first commandment to Adam around 5000 years ago but I’m sure she’d been practicing this legislation stuff on other things for a while before that.

What a mess – laws – they really haven’t done us a world of good have they? We broke the first one .. not to eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge & we’ve managed to get along fine (depending on from whose world we’re viewing from) piling them up and ignoring them ever since.

I’m not saying that laws aren’t wonderful things, they’ve made a few humans very rich .. but they’ve made alot more people very very poor & we can’t eat them.

So from what I hear over the suicide entrapment airwaves last night – Yes, I know I’m a very lucky boy to be able to get unincorporated information .. at times. Australia we’re glorying in it – is that the solution to both the rampant overpopulation & Climate Change is legislation. More laws. Food for thought.

“May your money perish with you, for you thought you could purchase with money what god gives as a free gift.” – Jesus of Nazareth

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