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Tag: Welfare

The Rolling of The Dice.

The Rolling of The Dice.

I want to tell you a story about an old fella I know. I know him quite well. He’s a beaten up old sod .. looks like death warmed up … And only just warmed up at that. There was a time when he was a valued member of society – well, thats probably not true. Knowing him as I do, I’d say that at no time would he have been valued by Society, but valued by his community he…

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Of Lunatics & Lunar Men.

Of Lunatics & Lunar Men.

When I was in my mid-teens a group of my friends decided that we wanted to have our own Lunar Club. A friend Mark A. and I had both read Ben Franklins Autobiography and we liked the idea of getting together around a table and discussing weird and wonderful ideas. It was much easier then .. there was no Internet, so when you learnt things you actually had to trawl through information instead of just getting any old answer that…

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