Seducing the Intellectuals.

Seducing the Intellectuals.

“A man can do you no greater injustice than tell lies. For in a political system based on speeches, how can it be safely administered if the speeches are not true?” – Demosthenes.

Well here comes that slope they’ve been warning us about, ‘senior’ neoLibNats say it’s time to get serious and protect our democracy by gaolling and starving young dissenters …

Of course, The Greens have seized on this suggestion, slamming it as undemocratic and “entirely inappropriate,” Young Bob Di Natale reckons, “Peter Dutton doesn’t know what living in a democracy means.”

Now come on Bob, he does he does, he came of age under old Joe Mumbles .. he’s got a pretty good idea of Democracy he just doesn’t like it and is, god bless ‘im, doing everything in his power to do away with it. After all, in a democracy he has every right to do that, its his right of protest, his form of dissent.

Young Bob says, “One of the most fundamental rights in any democracy is the right to speak up and to protest against those in power … he’s starting to sound more like a dictator than he is an elected politician. Because somebody says something that he doesn’t like, that he doesn’t support, he’s saying we’re going to strip away income support.” … Oh, and Bob don’t forget that in place of this ‘income support’ – I take it that this is a politically correct form of welfare? – Pistol Pete’s says he’s going to imprison all the democrats ” … until they change their ways.” Of course, this is going to save the King a shit load of money, but for the life of me I can’t work out how it is these despicable lefties are going to ‘change their ways’ locked up out in the deserts, nor, may I add, how it is that the beautiful people are going to know just when it is that their ways have been changed.

Of course, Junior’s in on the act, taking up the cudgel of deflection and panting on about petty nationalism and unfair global institutions, namely the UN Human Rights Commission .. wonder why he picked that one?

Because, he says, it told Little johnny he wasn’t respecting human rights back in the early 2000s and it didn’t jump on North Korea! Must a been a tough playground for Junior when he was at school. Well, beside that that’s beside the point, I wonder if it could’ve also have been because not only did we – Australia – help to write the rights, in fact we – we, Australia – were a driving force, and we are – us, Australia – of course, a signatory, and North Korea’s not … Perhaps what Juniors alluding to is that we – Australia – should pull out of the UN entirely, or else we’re obliged to uphold those noble principles as an example to the rest of the world.

And since were talking about Junior’s principles, what about his rant about needing to have more Holocaust education in schools? Well, like everything else that ‘can’t happen anymore’ or is a little bit nasty, PC parents have manoeuvred to take it out of the curriculum … just like Fascism and Democracy. Can’t have it both ways Junior, just the things you don’t like .. we gotta have the things that I don’t like either. Its called balance, and its not, unfortunately, balanced by a government like our King’s. Just ask the kids.

Lets face it, the Kings ministers can’t answer questions, even simple questions, like counting questions, last night I heard Mousy Coleman being asked a simple question regarding the number of refugees we have bounding about the country – three times – and each time he fudged … He didn’t even come close to dealing with the question. They were quite hilarious answers .. something about the Fair Work Commission, then something about boats and his pride in turning away 90% more refugees than the lefties did, and then something about secrecy, and what they like to refer to as State Security. … And we pay these muppets.

‘Course, all this in the middle of that great democratic tradition of curtailing protest and free speech as a means to traffic control.

“Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it … it is not the feeling sure of a doctrine (be it what may) which I call an assumption of infallibility. It is the undertaking to decide that question for others, without allowing them to hear what can be said on the contrary side.” – John Stuart Mill.

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