Off on Their Own Tangent .. Again.
Such a wonderful World, such a lucky country … I see the Kings decided that its okay for his charity to feed all those hungry Aussies his ministers decrees have thrown out onto the streets with no recourse to .. well, government aid.
Shame he couldnt get away with his neoliberal bidding process on a thing like poverty, as he appears to have done with Human Rights and Dignity. What’s gone wrong? Surely the recent massive overreaction to State Security by his racist & reactionary band of thieves should have been able to sneak another bubble through the complacent public. Last scare they put on they managed to cancel public funding to Health Services for a significant number of disadvantaged Aussies. All these Research Institutions working on prevention rather that cures have had to become charities over the past 5 years. What went wrong that he couldn’t create more sickness in the interest of corporate profit in this once great and friendly society of ours?
Not an election coming up is there?
Sorry but I’ve been out touring the regions – well not really the regions the places I’ve been touring aren’t apparently considered to be in the regions – these places are in that land beyond the regions. Oh its still Australia but its a kinda no man’s land. Okay for tourists but not for Aussies. Well its okay for Aussie’s provided you only own it .. not if for some reason you would want or need to live out there.
Must say its easier to get a doctors appointment out there than it is when you get back into the city. Which makes me wonder just what all this fixation on Refugee Imprisonment on Pacific Islands is all about? We have some wonderfully inhospitable terrain out there beyond the regions where we could get some real impressive detention camps built. Get the Work for the Dole boys to build em … Except of course that would probably count as real work and then us Aussies would have to pay them properly.
Thank god we’ve got such responsible ministers as Pistol Pete Dutton, Dipey Dan Tehan & Mousy Coleman looking after our true interests, sorting out our values. Thank god these buffoons don’t dare to get down on their knees and pray for us … After all, the king’s prayers don’t seem to be doing a world of good for our Refugee Kids out there in the Pacific … Can’t see why we cant build em a cage out in the desert and deprieve them of food and medical attention same as out in the Pacific?
Got to be cheaper? Then us Aussies would be able to afford giving some of the king’s cash to Medical Research and Humanitarian Aid … And, we could fool ourselves into believing that the dosh is being spent at home. Now that’s Christmas.
Such a wonderful world, I think that when I grow up I’m going to run for king – the options seem limitless.
“An Australian Passport is no proof of citizenship.” – Pistol Pete Dutton.
… I do wish they’d make up their minds.