O What a Night; an Aside.

O What a Night; an Aside.

They’re caught in bit of a spot here – the King’s Criminals, you could say that they’re electioneering with a quiver of poisoned arrows … They need to turn the screws on the social conscience of the free thinking and democratically inclined people of Australia. And, they need to do it fast and they need to get those of us entangled in the miasma of neoliberalism to cast our votes for the King’s version of Law, and those votes must be cast before the next election – This is the time line, a little rushed perhaps, but then early prevention requires no necessity for a cure. (Easy to see why the politicians are always calling for a longer period to impose their will, when we the people know that not only does society not require it but that its highly dangerous to allow for the draconian imposition of petty self interest by the wisdom of force.)

“Human beings have Free Will. When they choose wrong they are punished.” – David Denby, Great Books.

They really shoulda released Pistol Pete on us right from the start, though this new Christ – Judge Porter – has been quietly breaking our backs behind the scenes – let’s not forget that he was MalCons numbers man, the creator of RoboDebt and the debauchery of the State’s Private Welfare schemes. Now, of course, he’s our lawyer. I’d say that just one look at the way he’s interpreted the law would say that he’s not up to the job – democratically speaking that it. But then, the job he’s assumed has nothing to do with Democracy its all about removing democratic process … This my young folk is the one and only point and it overrides even the scramble to defend our planet from ourselves. Obscure and obfuscated as they attempt to make it, the King’s war is against Democracy, and everything related to the King’s government is smoke and dark and dusty mirrors. Deceitful self interest.

When they talk about ‘the rule of law’ they do not mean what we take it to mean. For governments like the King’s, and the disgraceful men and women who lap at the feet of his divine fallacy, rule of law has nothing to do with justice or equity its about obedience and fear. Obedience, and that obedience is not a two way street it’s meant only as a burden to the people. One look at this ‘liberal’ Government of Thieves and one can see that they believe that the law does not apply to them. They have a Divine Right to lead us, their priest, our King, knows from his good book that his job is not so much to lead us into temptation as to tempt us with illegal freedoms – to take man’s Inherent rights and convert them into transgressions that break his men’s rule of law. Its the Rule by Fear of Law they seek to impose upon us, and especially, especially our children. If they can subvert and corrupt our children then the children will keep us elders in line.

The idiotic dreams like those of Junior Frydenberg’s, that us old folk are too much of a burden on you youngsters is not only idiotic, it false logic, its morally criminal and its steeped in potential violence – it’s neoLiberal protectionist Fascism. It’s so ignorant and obviously dangerous, that it should be beyond any reasonable belief in this day and age, but of course, that’s precisely the job of the King’s Merry Band of Thugs – to inculcate ignorance, narrow divisive bigotry and above all else, a FEAR OF LAW.

How fortunate it is that we have an Earth that has taken up the cudgels of Democracy on our childrens behalf. Time, the greatest natural enemy of Fascism, is fighting on humanity’s side. I suppose that that is progress.

“Gods gift to man, when we chose to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge, was Time …” – David Denby.

To rule by fear of law is a crime against humanity. Its as bad as Junior’s Holocaust because it requires a final solution that mirrors the Final Solution that made the Holocaust that Junior quotes and refers to so often. It requires a new genocide. It requires the elimination of the old and the sick and the injured and the brave. In fact, it requires the elimination, the death, of all those who are Extra, and a danger, to the pure ideal of Fascism. Governments like the King’s, and those skulking within them, which seek to turn back the hands of Time, to delay, to inhibit, to proscribe, to prohibit etc, require first one thing; they require a deep fear in the minds of the children because through this fear they can raise Punishment into a just God. And through this punishment, that they brand as legal, they will make cowardly children who will grow up into cowed and subservient flesh robots without purpose … should your Earth allow the time.

Your lawyer’s latest tirade against your publishing platforms is designed not to curtail the overriding corporate monopoly of the platform but to create another layer of fear that will police free thought free speech and free expression on behalf of an illegal and immoral minority – your divine rulers; your Fascist masters.

Perhaps, after all, might will inevitably prove to be right but it will be the might of nature and not Fascism that will win out over all, because despite mankind’s splendid progress, despite the fact that we’ve become the single greatest influencer of the condition of nature we will not stop the destruction of the planet. Even if we were to use all the technology we have on hand we’ve left it too late. Now, the only thing to decide is who will be Extras and who will not – and I suppose, for just how long those who scrap and deceive not to become Extras can paddle above the scum and breathe ‘freely’ for just that little while longer. A battle to decide, who will impose the fear and who will be forced to live a meaningless existence under that imposition of fear.

These mountain tops that us old folk sit on are really just plugs for the volcanoes of youth and us self deceivers must always dream that our kids will not be the kids to remove these plugs … But someone’s kids surely will remove them – so we must always delay, prohibit, curtail and crush the will of our kids, if not for their own good then let’s make it for ours!

“A court actually has no power to quash an appeal on the basis of fresh evidence unless it actually hears that evidence. It cannot rely on witness statements unless the witnesses confirmed them at a hearing in court, and it can not be relieved of that duty by a prosecution that colluded in not wanting evidence made public.
There is no judgement as such if no reasons are given for either the upholding or overturning of such a judgement given with reference ti hidden evidence. This is a breach of the ‘open justice’ principle, i.e. that justice must be seen to be done. The basis of this principle, that ‘publicity is the very soul of justice. It keeps the judge, while trying, under trial.’ ” – Geoffrey Robertson.

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