No Lectures on Lecturing, pls …
“It is important to be acquainted with the life, character and interests of an author. Furthermore, as we have a better understanding of a persons character and temperament, so can we more easily explain his words.” – Spinoza.
The Divine Right’s dilemma – the King and his Criminals will not be lectured to by the people of Australia; especially on Morals, Law or Democracy. THEY are the guardians of Australia’s Conscience, its bank accounts and its character. Do we not realise that we are the Lucky Country only because THEY have such a concern for our welfare, our future. THEY know the perils of Democracy far better than us plebs and THEY will ensure it for us. THEY know which way our moral compasses must point – and they will point them for us. THEY know their gods true design and THEY will implement that design … Aren’t we a lucky bunch of sods? It makes our lives hardly worth living …
To be ruled so wisely. To have this Corporative Gang so up on our true needs, so in control of our futures … so generously taking care of our’s and our children’s business that there really is no need for us to know anything … just a case of us sitting back relaxed among the gum trees contemplating the primrose paths and smelling the King’s roses.
Our’s is not to reason why, ours is but to do as were told, and to die. Never in Man’s history has there been a collection of pure flesh robots so fortunate to have the sort of protection from all the false gods of humanity and all the evils of inclusive democracy as we here in Australia now have. Why do we bother even listening to the news, logging onto our Fake-Book accounts or in fact, leaving our happy homes? When we have ministers who are filled with such wisdom, such compassion, and who we must know are acting only in the common good for their own protection.
There’s not even a point to bother whether it feels like that’s what they’re doing or not. What reason do we have to leave the lounge chair? Of course, these questions become superfluous .. they are not worth contemplating; meaningless questions … In fact, with such rulers, all questions, on any point whatsoever, become meaningless. I’m going to suppose that even the making of questions illegal wouldn’t have a point either. Education in the future is going to be such fun. Actually if one thinks it through, it won’t actually be necessary … Not for the plebs. Perhaps, just a little for the children of our rulers, perhaps … just a little. A metaphysical proposition such as ‘life is like it feels’ becomes meaningless it may as well be thrown up into the fair winds or providence and become ‘life is’ … perhaps, ‘life is to be a bat’.
It appears to me – quickly, before all this sinks in – that the world will be a better place as soon as us archaic questioners are no longer alive. Those fools like me who find questions the door to knowledge. Like removing the fibre from our souls being akin to a no fibre diet to make us healthy enough to withstand the shock of preventative surgery … Expedience trumps education.
However, since for me this is not sinking in … And since I feel very much like the worm on the edge of the rusty razor …
… People like Dirty Dutton, if you will allow them to be appointed over you, to make your decisions for you, need to be put in a position where they can’t change laws – where they can’t make them! – I mean really it’s the same for the whole New Guard, neoGuard .. whatever, they’re much happier ruling by decree anyhow, but if you’re going to allow them to make new laws in secrecy and purely at their discretion – and that they can’t be questioned – then the law will no longer have any foundation. You won’t be able to rely on the law, or the courts who can do nothing else but uphold them – constitutionally speaking anyway – the police, who as Pistol Pete’s said, can’t be interested, or even concerned, in whether a law is a bad law or a good law, whether it oppresses or persecutes, and the common people, the lowly masses – the dosh providers – can’t be concerned with respecting it – only obeying it.
This is probably the most pointless thing I’ve ever written .. because it has no point .. perhaps I’ve finally written the type of nonsense I was born to write. And just in time too. Let’s not concern ourselves … The futures nigh, a time when nothing is illegal because nothing is legal.
“The most fundamental right of all is the right to challenge the State … To secure that right has been the spur for change in most countries … because it is the acid test of democracy.” – Geoffrey Robertson.