I Will Go My Own Way
The King’s Opinion & his Free Speech is Different from Ours. The king says, well whatever he says it’s more important and more knowledgeable than what anyone else says.
“I am your King. I am Judge of what is best for me. I will go my own way. I desire your assistance in it.” – James 1
The kings minister’s dont read reports, dont respond to surveys, dont believe experts, other than those they appoint and pay with our money, they dont make decisions that are based on ideology – Notice how everything is ‘ideology’ other that their own ideology; Corporativism.
The people want what the king wants. What’s good for the country is what is good for the king.
Not so very long ago there we’re 25 million of us. Aussie’s getting a fair go! Now we are fodder for the kings horse races.
When is this ‘king’, this snotty nosed fascist going to be re-elected? Are we sure that this king & his minions are going to allow us – all of us – to participate in an election? After all these so called ‘elections’ could be considered a Report, a Survey or, in fact, even an Expert Opinion. Are we really sure that this king is going to allow us to make a decision that most likely is going to reflect, or be based on ideology?
“.. well Misty you’re a better man than I”