CANT – Porn for Sale!

CANT – Porn for Sale!

Just as I was resting up for the rest of Mental Health Week, the King endorses Corporate Advertising on OUR Opera House – this is outrageous! Outrageous – the whole worlds for sale (by those who don’t own it!) & we can’t even look after our refugees, the mentally ill, the old and the sick. Outrageous! We can’t give our children an equitable & equal education – Outrageous!

What’s this event he’s trying to sell us? One of the biggest in the country, he says … And I’ve never heared of it .. in 50 years! Selling us Gambling – Outrageous. I do hope I’m not taking any of my guests down to show them Our Beautiful Harbour on one of those days – and we can’t have a working efficient Health Service, can’t maintain the dignity of those that illness, injury & neo-Liberal Profit have forced out of the workforce. Outrageous! Outrageous!

What’s next? The King’s head & Lapel pin up on Our Sails? Corporate sponsored crucifixion?


“Try to imagine for the pure love of simply making something beautiful, something that maybe can’t be sold or used to help sell anything else, but is simply a communication between man & man, a bond of understanding and human enlightenment – which is what a real work of art is.” – Hart Crane.

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