Arbeit Macht Frei

Arbeit Macht Frei

Want to get a few things down before Suicide Radio becomes seriously suicidal a little later.

Last night we had Patti K discussing Viagra, breast pumps and tampons. All excited she is when she gets a chance to be a fearless honest journalist and push her rabid right wing Feminism on any man that can’t see a problem with being .. well, a man. She has only daughters – daughters of freedom. Of all people she could do with a son. She did trip herself up and was chipped by another woman regarding whether stay at home mums were actually working .. as opposed to working mums! Whether other work that isn’t done for money, cash, is work or not, or only if it’s done by women she dont have no opinion on! She’s a journalist.

Today, we have king Shnot meeting with his Aboriginal Advisory board .. first time since he’s king. Tough Tony’s not attending – says he’s got something important to do. Last night she interviewed Roy Ah-See, he’s the kings chief advisor on the subject. Roy wasnt really prepared to be firm and fearless until he’s had a chat with the king. Did say though that he’d not be shy in giving ‘firm & fearless’ advice in their chats – assuming their behind closed doors, and assuming Scullion says it cool. Does sound like he’s had his head in a bag over the past few weeks. Hadn’t heared Tough Tony’s comments over the past few weeks, not sure what he means by Envoy etc etc. Said he’s really excited about the king ‘unpacking his ideas’ … Lord help us, I wouldnt be letting that fool unpack anything – there’ll be shit all over the place. A regular Pandoras box!

Aboriginals can’t be too pleased with Roy, he sounds like a wet sock when what they need is a waddy. Not sure about an individual Aboriginal Australia day, as I said waiting for Shnot to unpack his shit first. My recommendation, which sounds as good as his, is that We have a holiday on the 25th .. a Big Corroboree, then on the 26th all the whiteys can rattle on down to Shnotty’s place at Cronulla for a Big Barbie. Run em into each other. Sounds fantastic .. one nation. A big couple days out.

Well, she’s on, Patti K the feminist , sorry fearless journalist. Coochie coochie coo … Lovely little girls. She’s amazing.

So this meeting, this Corroboree, how’d it go? Doesn’t sound like much happened – Tough Tony wasnt there. The king says, School, Work. Safety & Jobs, so we can all grow old with dignity! No wonder he’s king. He’s magnificent.

Andrea Mason, chair of the meeting, when asked if she thought Shnotty was on top of the ‘issues’? A long pause .. hard to understand he is, isn’t Mr Obfuscation for nothing! Says he want to wait for Tough Tony to unpack his ideas. She said, well, we’ll being going with the ideas that work for our people on the ground – regardless of Tough Tony’s kinder surprises. Good on her. Hope they smack him with a waddy too.

On ‘Work for the Dole’? Another long pause .. the king says, That’s it! That’s it, we run it and you turn up or die .. same as all Australians. Not interested in explanations nor whether the work is actually work (in which case, of course it should be paid for properly, fairly) or if they’re sitting about asking each other the time every 10 minutes & playing tiddlywinks – attendance, that’s it! Tough Tony’s got the ball.

“Regard the weak & fatherless
Dispatch the poor man’s cause,
And raise the man in deep distress
By just and equal laws.” – Psalm 82. V3 (John Milton)

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