A Protective Demockracy
The process is the issue – the ends do not justify the means. This government, these neoLibNats, show absolute contempt for democratic process.
“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which
we suffer.” – Tom Paine
Australia is a Protective Demockracy – it presumes to enshrine privilege – false and apparent privilege. We have a ruling class who believe they are an elite; that they are born to rule. No wonder our kids don’t believe that democracy works – they don’t know what it is. The Millennials have never known it. They don’t study it, don’t see it in operation, neither here nor anywhere else in the world, their knowledge base – the internet – is corrupted, it can’t ever take the place of a library full of books, of an open & free education. Their parents have for the most part been co-opted into a system of false values .. of gold and glitter and useless shiney things.
They believe that history, because it is the past, cannot teach them anything. In such a morally bankrupt little world anyone who stands up to condemn these values for what they are – greed & selfishness – is smacked with the false value of Political Correctness. Those who will not cowe before these false values are branded ‘un-Australian’, terrorists, subversives, threatened with gaol or deportation .. it’s appalling. It’s downright dangerous, it’s divisive – it’s Protective Demockracy.
Look at the place, this once proud and lucky country, count the people, look to their differences, look to their needs, their wants, their desires. Look to the future, look to the very near future & it takes very little to see where this contempt of due process must end. We know that history repeats .. but it does not have to.
We have the Technology, and are a rich land in all ways – other than with our so called wise leaders – to make a better more peaceful, more equitable, more inclusive word. If you love your children and truly want them to live in a better, happier and safer world, then surely you must realise that we cannot continue this programme of deceit. These neoLibNats self-serving programme of ignorance can only produce an ugly and terrifying future Australia.
“Do not vanquish me, I do not come to conquer. I wish only to pass through – in peace.” – James Holman