An Essay On Kings.

An Essay On Kings.

Lets think about this for a second; the King says that we must build a bigger more aggressive defensive capability. He says we must prepare for war – as kings always do – and he intimates that the enemy we are building this bigger and more aggressive defence capability for, is China. Like i said, lets just think about this for a second – China. How much bigger, and O Sweet Lord, more aggressive must this defence capability be if China is the intimated enemy?

Rather large … I would imagine; rather large. A defence capability! He says we’re going to aggressively enforce peace in OUR region – OUR region, enforce peace … We are thinking aren’t we?

The King says that he is continuously replaying the 1930’s through his potted head – so may I say are we King, so are we. He says that we need to be able to ‘shoot missiles at ships’ as a defence and to be able to carry these missiles of ours out into our Oceans to shoot these ships out of the water before they get close enough to the Lucky Country for them to be if any real threat to our way of life – as a deterrent. He also says, that we are still going to be giving our dull support to our great ally the US of A – but from now on only when it is in our interest to do so. We are thinking, are we not? He reminds us, ‘that this is going to happen!’

What he means by this of course, is that he will broach no disobedience from us, or any of our kids, who may mistakenly be thinking of the 1930s in any way contrary to the way he replays it constantly! ‘This will happen!’ he says. There is war in his words – aggressive and defensively!

So, since we are thinking while we still may; should we analyse this? Why not …

If we are as he’s intimating, aggressively defending ourselves against China … Thinking, thinking … With OUR strategic new, bigger defence capability and if this is to be ‘shooting ships out of the seas with our new missiles’ – well, assuming that China (and once again, this is only the intimation … the King is not actually say so) we’re going to need one helluva lots if these missiles and these missiles of the King’s are going to have to shoot an awful long, long way – being a defensive deterrent! – of course this is going to easier once we have nuclear subs capable of taking the defence out into our oceans, and therefore safely away from the pristine shores of our Lucky Country.

Of course this great enemy of his intimation is just sitting back and not thinking about our defensive capabilities and its sending ship after ship – boats – loaded with soldiers, humans, toward our pristine shores; and what? Waiting for us, ie the King, to run out of missiles and also for the US of A to say, ‘sorry fellas, we’ve got our own problems, and no, we can’t spare any missiles at the moment.”

So we, since we are thinking rationally, are only thinking of an aggressive defensive capability, that is, a deterrent. Of course, lets say just for arguments sake, China, who if the king’s logic is sound are going to carry out an aggressive offensive policy through war … we are still thinking, Us, whom the king is protecting … ? Well, then we are FUCKED! Ain’t we?

*Just to digress briefly; this strategic tactic of the King’s – and I am saying that he has an ulterior motive, because while he’s continually reliving his 1930s, so am I mine. His intimations, so unbelievably ridiculous and idiotic; so deceitful to Us, the inhabitants of the Lucky Country, are actually aimed at Indonesia – yep. Why do I think this? Because we’re still going to be selling all our iron ore, our uranium, our copper, our coal etc etc etc … wheat, rice, cotton and cows to China – who are of course, if the king’s intimations are logical – going to be building missiles to exchange with us. Or, are they going to be using all these raw materials we sell to them in the interest of our economy, for peaceful non- aggressive purposes because of our great new aggressive defence capability!?

Indonesia, of course only has to throw a pontoon bridge across a strait and we’re either shooting our nuclear missiles at ourselves, or we’re carrying out an aggressive offensive against them – our neighbours. Which of course is immoral not to mention against the law which we, or rather the King, could never engage in. I dont for the life of me believe that this is a probability; an Indonesian invasion. Indonesia would have to be coerced into a self destructive war by some incompetent king. Yes, not an impossibility, but so improbable. Why should they? For living space? Here? In the fastest dying land on the planet. For our raw materials? For our universities?

Perhaps, for just another brief second before we get back to being too busy with our own business, we should relive the 1940s and see just what it takes to invade and to occupy another country – and especially the Lucky Country. It takes humans. Humans to kill, and humans to die. Forget the king’s dreams of deterrent missiles, humans! Of course as long as they aren’t ours, the King’s humans, then it’s not really a problem, is it?

Now, ulterior motives. This is the kings meaning of ‘aggressive defensive capability’ and his enemy is, as with all kings, us – the people who would rob him of his 1930s dreams.

I’ve been trying very hard not to reference George Orwell’s 1984 – not just here, but throughout all my inane scribblings – but if we were to just update Orwell’s title to say, 2024, then perhaps we could see more clearly into the king’s ulterior motives and the 1930s he dreams so much to relive. And, if we we’re to engage in some free thinking and free discussion that wasn’t shouted down or fobbed off, or threatened with punishment by the king’s cohorts in this great dream of his of the future, then perhaps we would see that the only enemy we have is those that think like our kings do.

Fascism is the only real enemy of mankind, of our humanity and even of what is these days, so euphemistically, called our moral economy.

The king intimations and what he says, ‘will happen!’, are his dream of fascism. And if we’re going to have a defensive war, then that war is fought here; inside of us – inside of the Lucky Country and not offshore somewhere on the far side of the king’s rainbow. Are we thinking? Or, are we content merely obey and to quietly buckle under to the dreams of Fascist kings?

Mitchell John Warren, exile.
Wailing about on the margins of humanity somewhere deep inside the bowels of the most lucky of all countries.
2 July 2020.

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