The Home Office Tool: the King Defines …

The Home Office Tool: the King Defines …

He talks about freedoms but not rights and he says that we deserve an early mark (which of course is his to give) … Though, we don’t actually get the early mark we deserve unless, unless we download his tracking app! His National Board says we must do this. His National Board, my lord. Have we corporatized our demockracy already? And, he talks of a magical thing called a commonwealth which it is unlikely that a man such as our king, labouring as he does to control his gods wrath, could even pretend to allow. Even in secret. He once talked about 25 million of us but that, of course, was for an election and we found out pretty quick how the king does his maths.

“It is wiser … to keep the whole truth from the man on the street: for if he knew that (the doctrines of faith) were false, he must necessarily be a rebel, for how could it be that one who seeks to love justice and to obey God should worship as divine what he knows to be alien to divine nature?” – Spinoza.

Of course, our freedoms the king may oppose – by the law of might – but our rights? Our rights don’t belong to the king; they’re ours despite his gods and his divined right. We’ve always had them they are inherent within us as individuals and the basis of our communities. When our lords seek to define, or to redefine either our rights, or our ideals, in the images they hold for mankind’s future … then, we must examine. We must understand. We must debate. And if after this, If we must still be coerced, then we must have the power to coerce explained. Secrets here cannot sufice …

So, our king, the great disgrace to the character of Oz, is rather chuffed about his first app. He says its harmless, almost benign. He says that his ministers will exercise their utmost discretion when deciphering and defining the info his app collects – which let us not forget, it doesn’t do and anyway if it did the info would be a secret anyway. A safe secret stored away in a box in a home office somewhere … Like a box full of blue-eyed au pairs. (No! That is shameful conjecture by me. I have no doubt that the King’s ministers take their au pairs seriously .. and in any shape or colour; provided they are free and have been washed correctly.) I’m also supposing, that like Barney the Dunce, they’re all keeping their curtains drawn against any undue snooping.

Perhaps not. I see that the kings opaque and inscrutable chief of the moral vacuum – his majesty Pistol Pete Dutton – has layed a claim to ‘basic human error’; a thing not allowed to basic humans. He’s failed to keep his investments in our children a secret. Tch tch tch you filthy fella you. Surely that coulda been transfered secretly into the wife’s portfolio? Though I’d suppose that a lazily thefted few million is easy to forget these days. These sorts of breaches of integrity were once considered to be a contemp of parliament but not so nowadays. Depending from where one likes to view one’s world; these minor transgressions (that is, the machinations of neoLibNats) should be seen as perhaps not so much a failure to keep the secret as a failure to explain them away adequately (which of course would not be necessary if one had kept the secret in the first place). Ministers of the king still get that freedom, and of course, Australia being a democracy; us common people actually have the right to demand his head on the end of the good king’s stick … sorry, another coal train belting its way to our pristine shores. That’s something a lockdown certainly aids, hey kids – exportation and exploitation.

This gagged dissimulation seems to be a rite of passage for all the king’s salesmen. Is there any wonder he’s failed to get them to sell us his new app? In secret, they do wonders, even perform miracles, but once the box is opened they must revert to definitions. And here lies – forgive the pun – the true value of a minister’s discretion. Its all in the definition. Dirty Dutton, in a late attempt to deflect through deceit is now raving on about some other public servants discretion – a lefty commo bastard, or bitch, as the case may be. He says, she has no right to discretion, in fact no rights at all, to vocalise her opinions on the transfer of diseases within a neoliberal society and that she – medical professional or not – because of her failure to keep her views a secret is obviously unfit for her public service position. Obviously.

Mr Illustrious says, ‘… she’s running culture wars .. and should go!’ Careful Pete, the mirror, the mirror.

“Simplicity is a servant of Truth, and ought not for long to leave the side of her lady. But sometimes the goddess Necessity obliges her to wander in the direction of Dissimulation, so that Simplicity or Truth shall not be trampled underfoot, or to avoid some other evil. If she deceives with moderation and system she will also be able to deceive without error or wrong.” – Giordano Bruno.

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