The Hide & Seek Nightmare.

The Hide & Seek Nightmare.

Governments don’t give ultimatums to the people, its the other way around.

“In dark ages people are best guided by religion, as in a pitch-black night a blind man is the best guide; he knows the roads and paths better that a man who can see. When daylight comes, however, it is foolish to use blind old men as guides.” – Heinrich Heine.

No matter how powerful a government believes itself to be, if we say we are a Democracy then there is no reason – unless it be in a divinely ordained world – under the sun that we are obliged to suspend democracy at the whims of a fascist clique. With our technology and the democratic, and on the whole, well educated population we have in the Lucky Country all process of government can be observed and yes, finally, debated by every single one of us without having to resort to our parliamentary corrupted reps and their fear of the loss of their pensions and privileges.

Every single session, every sitting – whether it be the king’s mini- parliament, or the one we supposedly elected to ensure our wishes are adhered to by our governments – should, and can, be telecast into each and every home. Boring maybe … but, democracy in action nevertheless. We have the inalienable right to ensure that our reps are actually forwarding our real interests, and operating under a correct, uncorrupted and wholy open process that we, not the king and his criminals, call democracy.

This regime, this neoLibNat coalition of disgrace, has not one gram of democratic feeling in it. They’re a fascist ideological bunch of thieves who believe only in the divinity of might and the rule of corporate rights. This latest piece of anti-democratic process the king is attempting to sell his people – he will allow us to exercise our common sense and our right to make informed choices, and, so he says, give us back our right of free movement … Wait for it …

If, he says, when, 40% of his people sign up to be watched and tailed by his men in black, then he will allow us some small rights – as if they are his to give or take from us! Overnight I was fortunate enough to listen to this counter, Numbers Robert – remember him, the fella that steals internet time and data and charges it to his constituents – selling this ultimatum. 40% he says, and its perfectly safe. He, he says, will be in charge of the numbers. He will use his great powers, only available to a minister, to ensure that nothing untoward goes on with his collected data. I can only assume that he means to keep it out of the dirty hands of Pistol Pete and the New Christ? Yet, as we’re all too aware by now, Numbers Robert and all the other dosh counters either can’t count, or use a completely different numbering system than the rest of humanity, or just lie wantonly to us when it suites them. Me? – I don’t reckon the buffoons would be able to accurately count each others fingers and toes … even after an hour locked in a phone booth with an old Anzac, a wet dog and a walking stick. Lie. Well, lies come naturally to a divine right ideologue (as the king so eagerly proves each time he deigns to address us, his people).

Anyway, this inspired app Numbers says we must all download – he means by all, 40% – is actually a surveillance app. That’s right, he reckons that if we want any of our democratic and civil rights back then we will be required to spy on each other – for our own good, of course. He, Numb Nuts Numbers Robert, says he will destroy all evidence of state surveillance once the king feels secure enough in his little palace to challenge the kiddies for their rights. Which he maintains will be soon … Lucky kid’s!

Me? Again, there’s no way on god’s little fried green earth I’m buying anything from any of the criminals that reside hidden away in the king’s cabinet. And I’m not spying on any of my fellow man in order to maintain my democratic rights.

‘Health is worth preserving, though life is not.’ – Jonathan Swift.

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