New Furphies in the Making. Or, the Power of the Science of Enquiry.

New Furphies in the Making. Or, the Power of the Science of Enquiry.

Well I’m not going to wade through all the latest guff of Furphy Tayor’s. Standard Australian Government Claptrap … Lies and poor maths … Taking us all as fools and sweeping the muck back under the crowns on the alter. … Though I should mention that it’s us who pay to keep the muck under the crowns!

What I will say, is that far from being proud to have such an ignorant and draconian crowd of thieves for a government, almost everyone I know – Old true Aussies all – are thoroughly ashamed of being paraded about as the hope of the free world by the King and his divinely inspired ideological nim-wits he likes to call ministers. Personally, I’ve never been so ashamed to be an Aussie in all my 56 years as I am now. (In fact I’ve never been ashamed to be an Aussie before!) And I have euro-relos here too … Asking many inconvenient questions …

Course, I just refer them to ‘official reports’ such as Furphy Tayor’s on our amazing take, why the world is so fortunate to have us at their backs, and our contribution, to Global Warming – or lack of it – and say, ‘well, ya gotta remember we’re the lucky country … Gods help us .. but more importantly we’ve got a King whose God sits on His right hand, and, on occasion, doles out a miracle or two to one of the Corporations, or maybe, one of the King’s choicest ministers.

Hip hip hooray for a new year though, and only 2 more to go til another election so our lucks not going to be changing. One could say … its going to hold out.

New Years predictions? Na. Gunna stay the same as it has for the past 6000 years, though I reckon this year the King’s going to be struggling to teach us the real meaning of volunteering and duty – now that we understand Demockracy and corruption a little better. Though I am of course, hoping that one of the King’s idiot cops is going to taser one of our delightful children at a GetUp Rights Rally … Accidentally – of course.

“Toleration? Even since the Reformation, when or where has existed a Protestant or dissenting sect who would tolerate a FREE ENQUIRY? Touch a solemn truth in collision with the dogma of a sect, though capable of clearest proof, and you will soon find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your legs and hands, and fly into your face and eyes.” – John Adams.

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