Star Chamber Moving Toward Perfection.

Star Chamber Moving Toward Perfection.

Damned leaks. Well I’d suppose that thats what leaks are for … To show us where the weaknesses are in the System. No leaks; strong system!

Small matter, this time we found out that our Gov was trying a fellow citizen somewhere in secret, for something that is a secret. Don’t s’pose there was a jury? Chosen in secret from a secret pool … ? Ah, the joys of Demockracy – we’ll get there yet!

With all this secrecy, I’m wondering whether we’ll actually know when it is we get there. One of the great problems with unspecified outcomes, we don’t know when it is that they’ve been achieved and have to take someones word for it that they’ve been achieved. Of course, this time it’s only a matter of justice, but who knows, next time it may be a matter of Carbon Emission targets or an election result or perhaps the goodness of some King’s God … This stuff could be real serious.

Perhaps shortly, well find out that the King’s chosen NRL team has won a grand final … Perhaps soon, we can reach that stage of miraculous progress where we can know that the King’s chosen team will be declared the winner! How good would that be? To know the outcome of all important things way before they happen …

And you young fellas think “Demockracy Doesn’t Work”. You’re just petitioning the wrong people.

“Public opinion can never exist as a power in the state, unless there exist also persons who expose to hatred and contempt those ministers and those laws which they conceive to be detrimental to the interests of the community.” – ‘Yellow Dwarf, 1818.’

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