Constitutionally Speaking …

Constitutionally Speaking …

When to do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law … Depending of course, on just who thou art, or as was many times said, the law being an ass often has a King’s head stuck up its arse.

So now we have the King informing the House that breaking the law, when appropriate, is in fact a duty; the constitutional law that says, ‘that a minister of the King may not meddle in the law’. Phew, must say that relaxes my poor old soul a bit.

Whether the King’s a minister, or not, is a moot point here, Mighty Mick Fuller is. And though only a minister of a lowly State, yet a minister of a State loyal to the King’s Constitutional corruptions just the same. You’d have to wonder what a Police Minister, not loyal to the King’s constitutional corruptions, would have said to the King if she’d received a phone call asking for a bit of clearance for one of the King’s junior racketeers? Unprintable I’d expect. Of course, we’re never going to know, because as everyone says about everything they don’t want us to find out about these days … it’s a matter of the Security of the State! Ha aha ha. Thank the Lord this is only a small matter of forgery and not a matter pertaining to character, and since the King’s assured us that he has the assurance of the NSW Police Minister that his junior crim – being only an L-plater – is ‘in the clear’ and can therefore continue to exercise the prerogatives of a good neoliberal community representative … everything’s hunky dory and no apology, nor in fact any discussion is further required.

Whatever, as long as it satisfies Furphy Taylor’s constituents its of no matter to the rest of us whether its Constitutional or not. This is Australia!

While we’re on State Security, I see that Madam Lambie’s demanding another favour of the King – a favour, she too says she can’t reveal, because it too is a matter of the security of a State – she aims to install the constituents of her little fifedom as complicit in the torture of foreigners, and for the benefit of all the rest of us.

So we go from unconstitutional, which I may say does not bother me one bit, straight into undemocratic – which I must say, bothers me one helluva lot! (Though why Madam Lambie, who professes that torturing refugees is not a matter of our State Security is prepared to turn a blind eye to it for a little back-hander .. well, only her constituents can answer that; though what makes them secure in this knowledge when the rest of us are not, I suppose only the good King’s God knows!)

How many Australians were there who voted Madam Lambie in? Irrelevant? Perhaps. Let’s face it, we have 50 very odd percent of the population of Dickson running the Department of State Security and sitting in judgement on the character, and directing the conscience, of the rest of us Australians. This is of course; Constitutional … and quite proper. We’re all in it together.

And now, to put a smile on the faces of our frightened children, let’s move on to neoliberal progress, or the apologetics thereof. We’re reinventing a wheel today. Yes we are. It appears that someone, some bright spark, has had the idea to separate our recyclables – just like we were doing back in the 1970s and 80s! They say that us degenerates are screwing the process by mixing it all up together like we’ve been told to do. They say, that the process fails because of cross contamination – sounds like Democracy – and that from now on we should either forget about recycling altogether or find a way to sort each individual waste product into its own bins. This is revelation, and you’d bet that this is one of the King’s little miracles he is prepared to reveal, and I’d expect, this one very little ancient idea could just give a boost to the King’s labour market. Except of course, we’re going to be told that it is unprofitable … Sigh, twas a nice thought … and perhaps a way to keep our refugees out there in the Pacific occupied. Though perhaps, its not going to be tough enough for the likes of Pistol Pete and the rest of the Band of Thieves. Always a spanner ready to be thrown into the works, ain’t there?

And to end on another constitutionally progressive subject, I had the pleasure to have to listen to a First Nations spokes-Australian advocating that Bush-foods need some protective legislation since they’re cultural heritage and should be limited to the production and sale by only First Nations agriculturalists … My my, the info one can pick up about the future direction of mankind in the King’s eternal world on Our ABC is simply astounding.

Ya gotta give it to the King’s idealogues, they’re releasing a helluva lot of us loopy’s out into the the brave new world.

“Private friendship and zeal for the public and our country are purely voluntary in a Christian. They are no essential parts of his charity. He is not so tied to the affairs of this life, nor is he obliged to enter into such engagements with this lower world as are of no help to him in acquiring a better. His conversation is in heaven. Nor has he occasion for such supernumerary cares or embarrassments here on earth as may instruct his way thither or retard him in the careful task of working out his own salvation.” – Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Shaftesbury.

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