An Education Fit for Kings.

An Education Fit for Kings.

Ah ha! I see His Disgrace has published his reading wishes .. hope its not mandatory reading. Anyway he says that Bible History is on top of his list. I’m assuming that he’s yet to read any .. because I’m not so sure he’s going to like what he finds. Though, its been fudged up for a few centuries already, no matter, a bit more fudging can never go astray. Eh King? Nudge nudge wink wink.

I doubt whether he’s going to be very interested in the scientific research stuff, though I notice this morning that his pagan minister for State Security is saying that its now possible to prove Aussieness via DNA testing – we are making unprecedented leaps and bounds in technology these days are we not … or is this, perhaps, just another of the Kings miracles? Though how the Bureau of State Security is going to attack this retrospectively I have no idea. That will be up to the new Christ no doubt. Perhaps thats what’s got the King reading more Bible History … Perhaps the King believes that DNA testing will sort true Christians out from those of us who choose to sin in the interests of suffering humanity.

Lord, where’s the King going to start? All the way back to 6pm Saturday 22nd October 4004 BC I would hope. Can’t wait for his reviews. If he’s anything like me he’s going to really immerse himself in it and I’d suppose that we’re in for a few angry and jealous thunderbolts to be rained down upon a few mountains pretty soon. Lets hope that when he gets to the flood he holds back a bit from the whole 40 days and nights claptrap or he’ll need another miracle to keep his farmers in tow. … And there’s all the pestilence and persecution to get through too. My, and we thought this was as good as it gets!

I can’t see his godless buffoons waiting for him to catch up with the significant progress they’ve already made on their bible studies – most of them are deep into the study of Mein Kampf and the Reich already. Well, we’ll all just have to wait and see; it is a good way to roll back time admittedly and its a fair shake of his sausage that most of us are going to end up in some sort of Planet of the Apes scenario. Though that’s of course an evolutionary process so will probably be banned anyway. So we’re safe. Another millenia of miracles to look forward to.

O I’m excited, almost wish I could sit in while he dictates his new versions out loud to the children. There’ll be a fair bit of drugs and alcohol going down behind those closed doors before he allows his kids to catch up to the rest of ours. God bless him. What a lucky country we are to have a King so interested in getting things right, so concerned with his welfare, so interested in education and the expansion of his mind. Starstruck.

“Everything in heaven and Earth belongs to you .. yours is the kingdom. You rule over everything.” (1 Chron 29; 11-12, Numbers 23:21, Dueter 33:5)

Meanwhile, it appears he’s coerced GetUp into participating in the suppression of Free Speech – not bad. ‘From little acorns big things grow’ … and all this while killing Kurds, laughing at Dr Evatt’s U.N and licking the legs off Joko Widodo’s contemporary, but very fragrant, demockracy. Miracles on miracles on miracles. Such a great time to be an Australian; our god sitting on the right hand of OUR king! Suck shit free world.

To the common man: “Sure, I cannot judge that you will be befooled of your power; if you do, I am sure we shall all be befooled with you … then farewell our hopes … for I am confident that it must be the poor, the simple and mean things of this earth that must confound the mighty and strong.” – Richard Overton.

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