The Crimes of John Setka.
Well, Madam got her way. Just shows that in the current version of Australian Authoritarian Populist Demockracy holding your breath works. Is it any wonder the kids don’t believe in Democracy.
“Reputation is one thing; character another.” – John Clifford.
Don Albanese’s had him expelled from the Labor Party. For what? Surely not for holding a dissenting opinion or for making a foolish comment. Like Neil Prakash we don’t get to hear what his true crimes are accusation is enough and we just punish as a matter of course. Don Albanese says, for holding values that don’t agree with the Labor Party’s. I’m going to tell you that Setka holds a shit load of values that were once values of the Labor Party, the best of which is standing by your guns, supporting the workers of Australia, and refusing to bow to the corruption of political correctness thought to purchase votes. Of course, Madam Lambie hasn’t quite got what she demanded because the CFMEU membership still has to vote him out of his position and as Labor should relearn, that vote, is ‘one vote, one value’.
I doubt the CFMEU membership is going to do that – just on principle I would hope they don’t – which means Madam Lambie will still exercise her petty spite and vote with the King’s Dragoons to have worker’s unions made illegal. Shame Madam, shame. This is no different than Anna P’s threating of Mad Bob’s privileges because the idiot Fraser Anning used words from a dictionary combined in a way that frightened some other idiot. Its a travesty and its a corruption of democratic process – regardless of Setka’s sins.
Unfortunately this is the way Australia’s Parliament is run these days, all threats and one-up-manship. ‘Look, my jackboots a size bigger than yours!’ – appalling! And this is in our kids interests? Its not Democracy.
I’m no supporter of John Setka, anymore than I am of Neil Prakash or for that matter the King, but I support their right to express their thoughts and to voice their opinions … What difference is there between Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, Peter Dutton’s or Setka’s Rights? – stupid, thuggish, empty and undemocratic as they are.
You see, this is the problem with this obscenity that is political correctness, it pokes a hole in any possible attainment of true Democracy. And were never going to teach our kids to live peacefully with each other if were going to support a limited democracy riddled with holes; that’s how we’ve got into this mess in the first place and have ended up with a government of Divine Right where charity is merely the empty gift of the wise.
“How many evils spring from luxury, envy avarice drunkenness and the like, yet these are tolerated – vices as they are – because they cannot be prevented by legal enactments. How much more then should free thought be granted, seeing that it is in itself a virtue and that it cannot be crushed!” – Spinoza.