“You Earned It, You Worked Hard .. its Not Welfare.”

“You Earned It, You Worked Hard .. its Not Welfare.”

I see the World’s told the King that he’s missed the point. What a joke, as if we here in the Lucky Country couldn’t have told them that without a great big convention.

How on earth do we here let him get away with it? We should turf the idiot out. Its one thing having such an ignorant and hypocritical little man lording it over us here at home, but for us to allow him to get up in front of the World, and blatantly tell such whoppers, in our name, is disgraceful. Just think of the damage him and his boys are going to do to Australia in the coming few years, and then think of the damage Australia’s going to inflict of the rest of the World just because were scared of Pistol Pete’s lawmen. Well, I suppose, as he says, we did give him a mandate. One of the problems with these corrupted democracies, you get a few myopic idiots appointed into power and they reinvent and redefine all sorts of knowledge and sell it off as utter garbage.

Speaking of who, I see that rather than deal with the real issues at hand – their corruption of our Democracy – Pistol Pete and his Lawyer are going to spin themselves off into another discretionary curtailment of our rights and freedoms by overturning a legitimate states law making ability. Christ Porter, while rockin back at his bar slurping his Tia Marias, is going to coerce a well founded law outta the ACT in favour of Pete’s requirement for a fearful society. You’d a thought that the King, with his new found buddy in the States and his Divine Wisdom, could have told him that the Civil War in the States was fought over a thing called States Rights! Who does he think he is Joe Lyons?

And good old Gladys … inadvertently missed a vote in her parliament on the Abortion Bill – which while she spent so much time swinging away wildly on the fence posts, she wasting so much of her States dosh obfuscating truths upon – said, ‘she was too busy running the state to be bothered with socially conscious legislation. Well, she’ll be able to say that it’s passing had nothing to do with her – she’ll be able to say she was both for and against it. Put her in a bit of a funny position with the progressive kids in a couple of years time I’d imagine.

Definitely something wrong with these neoLibNats when it comes to responsibility, honesty and common intelligence, eh? Which brings us back to the King, as usual, and his sinecured envoys … Appears Barney the Dunce did his divining damned well. King says he didn’t ask him to be an author, just to give him an idea of what was going on out in the deserts. King says he sent through heaps of good info though, well worth the million schmakers the King paid him. King says he learnt heaps from the old water thief. I’ll bet he did!

Is Tough Tony still on the King’s payroll studying Indigenous Aussies over there in Hungary? I’m going to suppose he is, and he’d be sending a few very learned texts back with his bills too. Hope we have enough dosh stored up to pay him. We should be thankful that the King didn’t give him the job as envoy to neoLiberal women, could only imagine where he’d a ended up .. eh?

Anyway, lets be thankful that the Kings safely back home as the kids have definitely missed him. Poor things.

“Let there be liberty of the press for printing, to those that are not allowed pulpits for preaching. Let that light come in at the window which cannot come in at the door, that all may speak and write one way that cannot another. Let the waters of the sanctuary have issue and spring up valleys as well as mountains.” – John Saltmarsh.

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