A Few Wild Swings.

A Few Wild Swings.

Not to be seen nor wished to be heard? With reference to a well writ article – in another tome of Social Conscience – Independent Australia – on the King’s wisdom with regard to limitless futures and his bent take on science and technology, dribble-down and progress. And bringing in the inevitable relation of said bents on the health of his proud and brave nation. … And his Ministers Fighting Fund for Ignorant Personal Interests – the NDIS and its unfortunate under-subsciption – yet not wishing of course to belittle the sciences involved in the ideology of Fascism, or the King’s unbending faith in his miracles or, his new found pals and fellow travellers, I’d just like to vent my spleen on this Divine Right hypocrisy and the New World they are building.

“Sensitivity to beauty is one of our strongest defences; without it we would perish from truth.” – Nietzsche.

A load of old codswallap, all these pretend diseases, all this science. Not seen nor heard by government lackeys … Lymes, Autoimmune, MS etc, but most definitely seen and heard by family members and the medical profession – unless, of course, under the employ of the King – and hey, most definitely seen, heard and smelt by scientists – unless under the employ of the King – the common denominator here being? Unless under the employ of the King!

It amazes me these Conscience Police employed by the King, euphemistically called service providers – which they are of course, though so many of those living comfortable in the King’s bubbles fail to realise that the service they are paid to provide is that of aiding the King and his Buffoons in the hoarding of cash for things like Mars missions, home office au pairs and Willing Dons War support.

Always a problem whenever science clashes with ideology; as it is when reason and enlightened thought clashes with religion.

A lot of this could be solved of course if we, rather than have our representatives imposed upon us, were to select them ourselves .. from amongst ourselves, rather that have professional leechers deflecting and corrupting progressive debates and dismissing the advances of both science and technology, of conveniently forgetting that democracy means that they are there to enact the will of the people and not defend the rights of a corrupted club – our parliament – if these representatives were men and women of the world with true life experiences and broader educations instead of failed advertising men, corrupt bankers and ignorant feather bedding lawyers; if we had representatives that we, who pay their bills, could haul back into the fold as soon as their eyes began to glaze over with the prospects of the hoarding of stolen gold; if we could take them into the lab of shared experience and subject them to our imaginary ticks and brutal observations and then discard them with the cooked up results of their ideological sciences when those results didn’t fit our ideas and our knowledge of true science, then perhaps we wouldn’t have our children running riot though the streets and spouting inconsistent humanitarian notions with wildly swinging moral compasses. (Sorry I have run off at the thumb again.)

So to get back to the point, which is, that when His Disgrace, the King, starts giving his mates 150 millions of our bucks in exchange for us – ha – supporting Our Don’s war on trumped up charges of national sovereignty – for our own good! And please, let’s not forget that Ms Bishop when she was charge d’foreign affairs gave that killer Duterte 40 million Aussie shmacks as an ‘aid to peace & demockracy’ in the Philippines not so many Kings ago, and then decamped into the global arms trade with her eternal government pension, once again .. for our own good.

As one who, for whosoever fault it may be, sufferers from Autoimmune disease, which like Lyme’s or a shark amputated leg, is considered a fake and out of character with that of proper Aussies and who is under continual threat of punishment by His Disgrace’s Band of Thieves and their self-serving minions – as are all those other hard working and conscientious older Aussies for whom science and technology, and multicultural inclusiveness, were going to create a better and fairer world for our precious children, is rather sick of unrepresentative divine right ideologues selling us short at every opportunity – and may I say, far too cheap!

“Men will not always die quietly. For starvation, which brings to some lethargy & helpless despair, drives other temperaments to the nervous instability of hysteria and to mad despair. And these in their distress may overturn the remnants of organisation, and submerge civilization itself in their attempts to satisfy desperately the overwhelming needs of the individual” – John Maynard Keynes.

Now while all this denial is in full swing and the International Climate Action Convention is chugging away in New York City … What’s our overpaid King doin’? … Huh? He’s opening a cardboard factory for Willing Don – what a prat! You’d a thought he’d a been over at the convention learning something important.

Ya don’t think the Kings lickin just a bit too much dick .. or Don, at the moment do y’all? … And I hear too, that the King’s government has refused to up the funding for ‘Meals on Wheels‘ where the old folks say that they need it to be doubled if they’re to keep up with demand … 80 million bucks in food (which is medicine) for a bunch of old Aussie characters or a trip to Mars in a cardboard box sometime in the unspecified future?

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