She Tore their Boats to Splinters but She Gave Them Dreams to Dream.

She Tore their Boats to Splinters but She Gave Them Dreams to Dream.

“There are about two dozen people who have the judgment, the depth, the scale of knowledge, who have got the wit, and the sensibility to come forward and say ‘Look I’m going to run this yarn whether you like it or not. Let’s talk about whether it can be done safely.’ ” – Mike Pezzullo, Pistol Pete’s confidence man in the Department of Fear.

To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, one of the rather despicable things about governments of oppression is their ability to confuse themselves with their own importation of false fears into the communities they wish to cow. Their reliance on such things as dissimulation and obfuscation to further what they maintain is in the peoples best interests in a democracy, creates more confusion and corruption amongst themselves than amongst us common people …

In the midst of the King’s Men’s denial of Science we have the same Kings Men using science to uphold their own views and interests when they can eventually find something that agrees with their own views, we have Pentacostal hypocrisy running riot over the motives of their professed Christ, they confuse themselves with their take on character and patriotism and create not so much the fear they seek to create in the good citizens of their Lucky Country, but a sense that hypocrisy in the common peoples motives serves their own purpose … Confused? So you should be. Scared? Well, probably not so much as you’re supposed to be … Though saying that, they do still hold the club and the gun in their dirty little mits, it looks however, like the children would like to hold them too. Good onya kids!

Now I don’t – not today – want to get into the King’s base hypocrisy regarding his dribble-down God as it upsets those for whom the same god appears as an uplifting spirit … But, I’m wondering whether those who share the King’s God don’t feel that while the dribble-down seems excessive, the evaporation rate marches on quite a bit faster.

Listening to Old Suicide yesterday I was delighted to hear a novel take on Basic Human Rights from a young First Nations lass in the Alice who maintains that Corporate Induced Climate Change is actually a question of Human Rights … It is an interesting perspective for the future ain’t it? Also, from another First Nations lass we hear that the way forward is to burn one’s sins upon the bonfire of the King’s true Christian nature … that culture is witchcraft. And another First nations fella, a senator in the Commonwealth Parliament, saying he’s never heard of anything more ridiculous in his life … And in fact, the bonfires of the King’s beliefs are actually criminally destructive to the culture of his country; by which I must take it to mean, our Country.

All of this brings to mind the story of the ancient Spartan King who banned the use of gold and silver as currency to prevent disreputable lords from hoarding it. Only iron and lead, he said. Of course, that was along time before some scientist came up with the idea that currency made of air actually reproduced itself faster when the care of said air was left in the hands of the same noble lords.

Would it not, in all seriousness, perhaps now with all the 20th century technology available to us in the New World, to begin using this coal stuff as currency? Or do we just have too much of it, and is it therefore too easily available to the plebs, and just too dirty for the kings to hoard?

“Simplicity is a servant of Truth, and ought not for long to leave the side of her lady. But sometimes the goddess Necessity obliges her to wander in the direction of Dissimulation, so that Simplicity or Truth shall not be trampled underfoot, or to avoid some other evil. If she deceives with moderation and system she will also be able to deceive without error or wrong.” – Giordano Bruno.

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