Inside the Minds of Wanton Deceit, or, the Miracles of Outcome Theory.

Inside the Minds of Wanton Deceit, or, the Miracles of Outcome Theory.

Science is not correct, the King’s Men say. It’s partisan, all hog wash. The King’s Country Men say their children are being corrupted by this thing called Science .. say its a communist plot. Its a load of old cowshit and they’ve – the chosen ones – decided they’ve had enough of it to last, at least, for their lifetimes and they’ve now created another expensive and divinely hand picked committee of their experts to pull it all apart for us.

I’m doing a course in Country Science at this very moment – regional science may be more correct – and I’m failing dismally. I’m taking care of 50 Exotic Fruit trees (weeds) and by that I mean trees that have absolutely no hope of growing and producing fruit in the places they have been planted, though miracles do, I’m led to believe, happen. These are mature trees but I see that each day I’m delivered another batch of water munching air cleaners and I’m told to make them grow, not to let them die, and I’m told, that I have an unlimited amount of divine water … because this is of course, God’s country .. and I’m told that I have only one cup of God’s water that I can use on each tree .. every second day – and I must not let them die! Here I need the help of MalCon ‘Reefer’ Roberts, and perhaps Cocky Littleproud, ’cause I can’t make the numbers add up – perhaps Matty the Mop and Numbers Robert would be better help as this isn’t a matter of possibilities, its a matter of mathematical coercion.

This of course is all about the environment of over education. (We seriously voted this mob in? Well, you did … Some of us were fortunate enough to have been banned from voting by a specially hand picked committee of the Kings specialists before the last election – but then that another question and nothing to do with Science.)

Also I hear that many business enterprises up here in beautiful Queensland have given their support to workers to get in there and join up with the kids – in Union, can I say – for this Giant Illegal Climate Action Strike on 20 Sept. I do hope its been cleared by Anna P and her buddy Pistol Pete or all hell’s likely to break loose!

I’m beginning to understand that the King’s Divine Rights have much to do with divining .. more a question of his magic than of his miracles.

Of course that exactly the point the Divine Right are making. That if we don’t keep pouring poison into the oceans don’t keep pouring poison into the atmosphere and don’t keep bombing far away countries then were going to go back to living in a world lit only by fire. Something like the old Planet of the Apes …. Though as they seem to be saying, that this New World lit only by fire will have to get their coal from us here in Oz – so its our kids who will be the winners. Science is important they say, but only science that supports the primacy of Oz and that has been vetted by hand picked King’s Committees … Lucky us at the end of the road of gold.

Let’s, just as a rainy day exercise, take all this stuff, these beliefs and assertions of the King and his Merry Men and play a game with them. Lets draw up a table and write down all the pros and the cons in a couple of columns of what they say is our Future and then lets add it all up, scientifically speaking I mean, use the maths they teach at school not Matty the Mop’s or Numbers Robert’s versions, the good old fashioned stuff. Better still, let’s just list the utterances and the beliefs the Merry Men approve, and use a dictionary and try to find out exactly what it is they are trying not to say.

When my little sister and I were young our mother used to get us to sit under a table and play little games when we were frightened – perhaps it was when she was frightened – back then we had rain when you thought there would be rain and, don’t laugh, back then, it came out of the sky! And its true, back then, we, the modern world, were in full swing pumping poison into the environment for the ultimate benefit of our grandchildren and the peace of their New World – which happens to be now.

Market Liberalism Science Question #1;

What’s the difference between Country A selling a scientifically benign and disputed poison to Country C, and then Country C turning the benign stuff into real poison and poisoning itself and its neighbours, and Country D selling a missile drone to Country B, and then Country B, using the missile drone – in what it believes is in its own interests – in a war against an oppressing country D … ?

And, why then would Country A, at the whim of Country F, send it’s ‘defence’ force over to help Country F bomb the be-jesus out of Country B … ?

Get your parents to sit in, to help, since theyre going to have a much better understanding of the results. I also hear that you can buy a couple of good neo-Science primers from off the internetnet – Pauline’s Guide to The Numbers and Christ’s Big Book Of Possible Corruptions … Also, there’s a Green’s Guide to Social Conscience Closetting that may hold more than a few answers to the future of man.

160 thousand, old humans unnecessarily targeted by scientific Robo-debt – that’s the Kings rogueish computer scientists that’ve run riot on his behalf. One of his expert committes (anyone seen the movie ‘Repo-man? … Like a mirror) – No, not unnecessarily, it creates fear … And fear motivates purity and develops a good character in one’s ingnorant subjects.

“The kingdom of god is here on earth & it can only occur or, or as Jesus of Nazareth said, ‘ restoration cannot happen without the destruction of the present order.'”

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