Air Money, Air & the Unfortunate Drain Humanity is on The Economy.

Air Money, Air & the Unfortunate Drain Humanity is on The Economy.

Fake cake … Is see the NeoLiberal collectives are banding together to prevent, is it Fake-Book, Google, Amazon – their fellow corporate monopolisers,etc – issuing their own air cash. Funny that, the neoliberal world, crying poor and stopping the very thing they say it is that life is all about; Free Trade and Market Liberalism. A lot like us here in the right god-fearing West banding together and telling the wrong god fearing East that the things that are good for the goose are not good for the gander.

Let Kings be praised for showing intelligence and restraint “wher lessor men lyke a galde horse abidynge no playsters, be alwaye gnappynge and kyckynge at suche examples and sentences as they do feele sharpe or do byte them… ” – Thomas Elyot, The Governor.

Last night I had an epiphany .. true, I have one every few minutes, but last night it suddenly dawned on me that this new reliance of fossil fuels is about air quality. Now sure, I hear you all – Doh! … But its not as simple as just a doh. No. You see this neoliberal economic overburden requires new ways to rake in the cash from the commoners, us gentle folk out here in the free wilderness of pain, and its Air. Yep, Air.

We’ve already had the world of advertising give us real water and billions of tonnes of eternal plastic packaging and we’ve, of course, for the kiddies future, fallen for it, but now we have the next phase in the marketing bonanza that is this Earth Eternal – packaged real Air. And to be taken seriously we’ve, well our masters, need to really give it to the free stuff so they can market, at very little cost to themselves, the pure stuff from up there in the heavens.

I’ve always wondered why we haven’t made proper use of our technology and built exclusion domes around our golden cities but – another epiphany – if we’d done that earlier then we’d probably have had to let most of the world in. Now of, course with the likes of Kings and ministries of Selfish Defence who have carte blanche to operate only at their own discretion in the interests of demockracy’s rule by fear, the Lord and Masters can finally enclose themselves in their pristine domes and – poking their chimneys out the top, of course – coerce us into purchasing their rarified air.

Ain’t it amazing what full moons and bushfires can do for the common intellect!

I even hear that the good old Labor Party – that gang who once professed progression – are in on the act and they’re going to help the Kings Merry Men build damns for the stuff – clear air, I mean – and then, them Green’s, they’re going to be putting fences around it to keep us dopey commons safe.

“… non can love freedom heartily but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license, which never have more scope or more indulgence than under tyrants.” – John Milton.

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