Christ’s Freedom of Thought.

Christ’s Freedom of Thought.

“In a democracy, the criminal law cannot be deployed as a tool for disposing of those who use their right of free speech to embarrass or inconvenience the authorities.” – Geoffrey Robertson.

Its significant don’t you think, that in all the claptrap and obfuscation in this Christ’s new Bill there’s a disclaimer about mental health. That is, all the organised religions are actually natural rights (which of course we don’t get in the new Australia) except .. da da, wait for it .. da da, if its a case of mental health.

I suppose that like character it’ll be one of the Kings backroom boys who are going to judge whether something said is due to one’s faith or a willful defect in one’s mental health. Of course if Pistol Pete was the judge, then anything relating to social conscience would be judged discriminatory due to mental health – socialism perhaps? Fascism, which is without any doubt a true religion, would I suppose be judged as ok on the grounds that it tended to support the government’s ideological bent. Socialism, Anarchism and Democracy (at least as process) it’s true, are religions too. Where does this all lead to?

Can I as a Socialist, as was Jesus of Nazareth, draw attention to the King’s hypocrisy with regard to his professed ‘organised religion’ – Christianity – can I draw attention to the hypocrisy inherent in the religion called Christianity, and shared by all hypocrites whatever their professed religions be? Or, by my profession of my anarchosocialism – my belief in social conscience, – do I automatically fall into the mental health bucket proffered by the new Christ? Does this make me a criminal, as I’m judged under Mousy Coleman’s law of character?

Where do I stand when I refuse to be corrupted by fascist neoliberal values? I suppose that Christ Porter be my judge on that one. How good would it be to be a professed Fascist where you hold no principles and of course therefore, are not subject to hypocrisy, where your gods are the miracle of power, self-interested greed and coercion.

How does one become a Fascist? Is it only a question of mental health?

“There is a proof to which you have no right to put a man. You know, humanly speaking, there is a certain degree of temptation, which will overcome any virtue.” – Samuel Johnson.

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