Farce, the Hypocrisy of Society’s Values.

Farce, the Hypocrisy of Society’s Values.

Everywhere we hear about Australia’s mental health issues. You turn the radio on late at night and there’s always someone yapping on about how much we’ve improved our attitudes or how one can get help with their mental health – for a cost, of course. The cost mainly being that one must conform to the methods and the ideals of such and such charitable organisation that’s offering the aid and receiving cash from the government.

We have a government who pumps cash, so they say, into these charitable organisations who have approval for the improvement of our mental health, but which at the same time creates more mental health issues than its ideology allows it to deal with. Not only that, the government denies these issues exist and closes doors to those seeking help to deal with them. It denies the issues that it creates and in fact multiplies them.

For older people this method is nothing less than torture. I suppose that when at every opportunity the government is inuring us to inhumanity, is deadening the principles of social conscience of normally good Australians, we shouldn’t be surprised. It is after all much more socially responsible to concentrate on the mental health of our youth, as they are the future … none of us elders would deny that.

We just wish that all the cheap talk would stop. That the mere point scoring in hypocrisy wouldn’t be seen as actual goals scored.

Suicide is painless compared to the denial and deceit that accompanies the farce that says OUR values are only valid when a society embraces such disgraceful attitudes as ‘that one’s moral compass must point toward the Economy and not toward humanity’ – David Littleproud, Nationalist, and government, MP.

If this is really true, and were assured that it is, that Australia can no longer afford its sick, old and mentally tortured people then its time to start doing something about them now – these extras. Locking us away in the prison that is NewStart or creating detention camps or deporting them is not a good enough way for a government to handle the issue. Its cruel. Not only is it cruel and unnecessary for the extras but it creates a society deadened to cruelty and torture and when this was attempted less than 100 years ago much of the world rebelled.

So if its really true that the future can’t afford these extras surely now is the time to do something about them? Why is it then that this government and ‘its people’ object so vehemently firstly, to Euthanasia, and secondly to Abortion?

Let those of us who wish not to be tortured any further, go. Let us go in an humanitarian and a compassionate way. Why torture us? Whose god says that it is better to hurt & where is the economy in this?

Since we do have the technology why don’t we use it properly? Are we just trying to turn the kids into ‘pure flesh robots’ for the benefit of their futures?

“Saw the hangman burn, by vote of Parliament, two old acts, the one for constituting us a commonwealth, and the other .. I have forgotten already.” – Samual Pepys.

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