Suppurating Fascism, Australia 2019.
John Richardson writes: ‘The claim by Home Affairs assistant secretary Derek Bopping that “citizenship is a privilege” may have come as a shock to some of our precious parliamentarians but Australians should not be under any illusion that this is the view of those who believe that everything should fall within the remit of government. After all, what better way to ensure compliance? This bent and broken thinking has been permitted to infect our nation’s psyche by those who support totalitarianism and care not a jot for our so-called “democracy” and the natural rights and freedoms that all Australians take for granted; including the birthright or lawfully conferred right of “citizenship”. The very last right that should be the gift of any government.’
Well, this is one very slippery slope. Here we have a bunch of discrete clowns that can’t answer questions, can’t get their reports in on time – can’t actually acknowledge the facts before our eyes and can’t say, as Stewey ‘the Accountant’ Roberts is very quick to point out, ‘that everyone makes mistakes’ .. ha ha ha … And they’re using what they call their discretion to judge character in others. Sounds like another miracle just around the corner. Characters they are. Corruption is a far more important asset on which to judge character; the corruption of Democracy.
Why can these buffoons not find an adequate definition of corruption? They’ve certainly been working on it, and spending an aweful lot of public dosh on it for a long time now, I suppose they figure they’ve another 4 years to bandy it about – sweep it under the carpet and pray that whatever the definition ends up being, it ain’t made retrospective.
Corruption, is the one thing that we Australians should be jumping up and down about when it comes to the uses our ‘representatives’ make of it! The continual corruption of our Democracy and democratic process by this Magic Man, Morrison, and his so called government of bully boys is the very first thing that we should stamp upon. We should be out in the streets with our walking sticks and our brick-batts waving big plackards saying, “Get up Australia. We aren’t going to take it anymore!’
This notion, suppurated by the likes of Mousy Colman, the King and Pistol Pete … this notion of keeping Australia clean and pure and white and separated from the rest of the world is contrary to the character and ideals of Australians. It is in fact, to use their own term, un-Australian. Its criminal and a corruption of democracy, too. Its anti-democratic and draconian in its punitive divisiveness. How can we allow this unrepresentative fascist swill to guide us and our children along this path to fear and loathing?
I hear this morning, that ‘the children are coming’ … Well, yes they are and let’s hope they show their parents just how Democracy is supposed to work because their parents have long forgotten. Let’s hope they’re watching Hong Kong at the moment and will take a leaf out of that book!
And Press Freedom? What diference is the freedom of the press from the freedom of the individual to speak his or her mind? If Australia is a Democracy, then we have a right to know everything, the good and the bad – Government approved or not, in fact, if the Government disapproves, then there is even more reason for us to need know just what it is that they disapprove of and why. People make the government in a democracy, our ‘representatives’ do not give us the rights they deem we need and they can’t take any of them away from us either. We tell them what we want and they give it to us. Our ‘representatives’ have no right to decide what is or isn’t in our interest – that we already know, and we damned well know what isn’t in our interest even if the King and his expensive Clowns keep telling us that we don’t, that there is a miracle just around the corner – A miracle that only Fascism can give us.
“There was no possibility of any form of dissent, even interior. The conscience of the person takeing the oath was forced to accept not only what the minister proposed, but also the sense in which the minister interpreted it. This was not only contrary to traditional understanding of conscience, but a form of thought control unrivalled even under previous fascist regimes; they endorse a spirituality that emphasizes interiority over community, submission over social action, silence over speaking out.” – John Cornwell, from his ‘Hitler’s Pope.’