Ms Kenneally’s Contempt.
I like Ms Kenneally, I liked her when she was Premier of NSW and I like her take on her church and social conscience … What a shame we don’t have a pair like her, and Ms Gillard, running our country. It could truly considered to be a lucky country then, eh?
Her article in Tuesdays SMH about Pistol Pete’s mismanagement and maladministration is an interesting take on the values of his Government, his ministry. I say, take, because I’m sure that Ms Kenneally knows all too well the true cause of Pistol Pete’s ‘mismanagment & maladministration’ – its government policy. Of course, not only is it his government’s policy, its his fascist beliefs; his ideology. So its not really mismanagement, its his sheer and utter contempt for true Australian values.
How does one call to account, citing democracy and honesty, a government run by a King who believes in miracles and his Divine Rights, and a bunch of Merry Little Men steeped in the ideology of Fascism – Corporative Elitism. Fascists don’t do democratic process!
Their Party doesn’t operate on democratic principles so of course they aren’t going to be able to run a country on these principles. Even when they say thats what they are doing – which lets face it, they don’t!
Pete’s King, has already told us – post election of course – that we have given him a mandate; he means licence. And we must remember that liberty is not licence no matter whose liberty we are referring to … Even the King’s and Pistol Pete’s.
While were wasting away here in the New Australia and talking about contempt for democracy, I see Anna P. up here in sunny Queensland has a take on protesting that would do credit to Pistol Pete. She says, its okay to protest as long as no one is aware that you’re doing it! This from the good old Party of the Worker. Ha. She says, imagine if it was your brother, your sister, your mother or father who’s lives were being disrupted while you marched along a street in protest .. think about it, she says. Yes, Anna, its the whole point isn’t it.
Perhaps we could use one of these giant open pits in the Queensland wilderness as protest pits … send all the kids there when they have something to say that frightens a government. Will make Dirty Dutton’s job easier in keeping an eye on them.
‘If, we here in the present, are sowers of the future, does it really matter what we sow … we will not be there to reap it.’