Undersubscribed in Australia.

Undersubscribed in Australia.

I read the other day that the so called NDIS is undersubscribed. In other words, that the government can syphon money out of it.

One of the reasons given – by the government, of course – is that us untermenchen are refusing to have invasive surgeries. I’m not so sure that refusing is the right word. In the first place, and as one who knows, the waiting list for these so called invasive surgeries are endlessly long. Its easier and quicker to get a operation for penis or breast enlargements! Also, while waiting for all the claptrap and red tape of these invasive surgeries, the proposed recipient has to battle through a burocratic nightmare of the denial of adequate physical and mental care – deemed his or her own fault – while the process is dragged on and on so that others can get their dosh out of the system.

Another reason is of course, that this government refuses to accept or acknowledge certain disabilities i.e. Autoimmune diseases, PTS, Lyme’s etc etc etc despite their very real disabling and debilitating effects on those humans suffering from them, the fact that there are not many apolitical medical professionals who DON’T recognise these facts and the fact, that there are no jobs for these people.

Lets also, just for some comic effect, remember the case of the young chap who was savagely mauled by a shark and lost his leg up to the groin, among other ‘minor injuries’, a year or two ago and was told by a Court – a legal professional – that he only needed to have some time to recover and he’d be good as gold. (Abetz)

Most of these miscreants, these political non-compliances, were dumped into this thing called Newstart, which of course is run by a computer with apparently no ability to accept human interventions. And Newstart, of course, is designed to send said miscreant back home to Mum & Dad whose job it is to look after them until such time as Mum & Dad get sick of their recalcitrant bludging, and make them get a job; or, its time for their government decided invasive surgery, their arms and legs to grow back, or they become sufficiently aged for the computer to spit them into the Aged Care computer … Or, they, said miscreant, makes the decision that their life doesn’t have the minimum quality their souls require, and they suicide.

It all saves the government THEIR DOSH. Not in real terms, but it enables, falsely, the government to give extra handouts to THEIR approved political machinery and to Corporative Future Providers.

Undersubscribed!? Slight of Hand, and an Enabling Motive for the Modern Policed State.

There are of course, working within this undersubscribed NDIS, humans with greater intelligence and a better understanding of the real world than the government would give them credit for. However, they earn their livings of this noble gold only at the discretion of this government, and as such live in fear of ending up in the same computers that rule and ruin the lives of so many undersubscribed fellow Aussies … Between a rock and a very hard place.

“The troubled conscience is one sign that the values you defend, but cannot embody, are still alive within you.” – Kristian Williams.

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