An Interesting Exercise.
The King gives me much to think about on dark damp days … Could I say, he provokes much thought?
His recent utterances regarding progress and the change he has in store for our futures sent me scurrying for my dictionaries .. those old hard copy things us fools carry about. Has he finally spoke some truth? Well, who am I to say, I think my education is rather broader than his .. no wonder he seeks to stifle our children’s. It has, after all, always been a problem for progression – a free and open education.
Far be it for me to push my views on our youth. I am naught but an old fool … A child of the new enlightenment descending into darkness.
But, I have some suggestions regarding our King’s assertion that he is ‘no progressive and he’s going to change our world’, even if it kills us. These dictionaries, this old language, this English stuff that most of us in the lucky country are told to use; and let’s not forget that in the minds of his Merry Men a higher level of this English language is seen as a purer form of true character … A test to be passed to progress.
Roget’s Thesaurus is my daily bread, perhaps I should say, my crumbs, and this interesting exercise for such dark days is to trawl it for the King’s meaningless obfuscations, and as a clue to what he means by his unspecified outcomes.
Heads: 36, 57, 71, 265, 285, 654, 672, 757, 811, 942 should help our prospective new Australians bring their characters into line with those of the King’s Merry Little Men. I’d say he’d rather be known to the future as a Progressive Prohibitionist .. at least until the new Christ gets his Dictionary of Definitions in order.
“So the cheek may be tinged with a warm sunny smile. While the cold heart to ruins runs darkly the while.” – Thomas Moore.