Time? Miss Jackson … Time!
Time, she said, but you have so much more time than we do …
Time … I think we all have the same amount of time – I think what you’re trying to say is, that I have so much more Time to spend on worthless things than you do.
Yes, we’re all so busy these days …
Mm hmm, we were so lazy, so wasteful of time once, weren’t we? What I have had, say I, is more Time than you, but that is a factor of age – coming into it before you have. Perhaps we should qualify this time .. and perhaps, I should qualify these worthless things.
She flashed her sapphire hazel’d eyes at me and faintly smiled. We were sitting on a narrow ledge, 100 metres up, and waiting for the Sun to warm our rock .. so we could make better use of our Time … It was me that required this Sun .. maybe just a little more than her; she hadn’t yet developed any disease that sapped her use of time. Unlike me, who was cursed with useless time. She knew though, that inside of me, my time could far outpace her use of it … We were friends; and it was these moments – waiting for the equalisation of our Time – that made us better friends. But, there was always that gap in time that could never be closed.
There was no point in me apologising for my current inability to use this time she had .. it was just the way it was – a factor of the eternal Pace of Time. It would not be long now. The Sun – now – would speed us on our way equally, and once we reached the top, she’d be able to rush off, and spend her time in some other, seemingly, worthless pursuit … And I, so too with mine. The important thing was that we had shared some Time …
“Man’s judgement, like his watches;
Each believes his own,
Yet none goes just the same.” – Alexander Pope, Essay on Man.