Bowel Shakin’ & Bone Crunching.
A funny thing happened on the way to my church yesterday. Im an evening church attender .. the darkness that surrounds me matches the message better. Also, of course, there’s not much point going to the Palace of Kings until you’re well and truly in the mood. And 8 hours of Rugby League Advertising sure does put you there.
So listening still to Old Suicide .. this young lady came on the air to talk about respect. She had an interesting take on the subject – its apparently the way they teach young children its meaning these days … Get them well and truly prepared for the modern world and the finite future and the place they will have to fit into it. The way is, so she says (and she is an educator) is to withhold it until such time it is deserved! Right, I thought, is it any wonder that I don’t ever seem to get anywhere. I also let the thought, that its no wonder we enjoy war so much, quickly flit through my mind, an improper thought though that is.
And is it any wonder that there are so many of us sick old coots rattling around out here in the sticks. Its a man thing I think. A factor of our toxic masculinity. A factor of our 20th century educations which we are continually told were completely useless. We had is all arse about tit then, ay.
“One of the rather contemptible features of a number of our worthy compatriots is that they are eager to take advantage of the deeds of the man of action when action is necessary & then eager to discredit him when once the action is over.” – Teddy Rooseveldt.