Talking Utopian Truths
You know, if our economy depends on coal mining .. and we are told it does, if our future depends on cotton farming, as example, I know it sounds like I’m pickin’ on cotton but I’m not, if our economy depends on sucking water out of our only major river system to grow crops not suited to our land and that no one needs – yes, no one needs – at our shared environments expense. (I’m sure there is enough cotton grown already in this world .. where its environmentally sustainable.) If these are the things that here in Australia create jobs and wealth, enable a fair go and keep order. Then we are not looking at it in the right way.
If without these things Australia has a wretched future, full of horrors and evil as the current government promises; then we are not looking at it in the right way. If the only way we can have a future is by making sure that nothing changes; that the present is whats in store for the future, if the earth, our world, is eternal – an unlimited source of goodies just for us – if it is only 6000 years old and in the hands of god, as it appears we are to believe, and therefore we have nothing more to worry about, we can go on and on forever the way we are now .. then, I think, that we are not looking at it in the right way.
If a people must be coerced, forced into obeying laws yet governments and corporations can continually flaunt these laws, then we are not making these laws in the right way, or for the right reasons. If we are not allowed free speech, free thought and the right to dissent then we can never make laws that are equitable and progressive for all of us. If we allow censorship of political & moral thought and the persecution of those who don’t share our values, if we cannot consider alternative values and humanitarian care for our fellow man .. especially when being told that this censorship is for our own good; then, we are most definitely looking at it in the wrong way.
You see its time we just sat down and re-evaluated what it is that we wish the future to be, how long it needs to go for and just who is included in it. It needs to be for everyone, everyone must have participation because a future that isn’t inclusive just leads to civil strife. Man is just another animal and he defends himself against unfair and harmful treatment, not just of himself but of his fellow man too .. freedom and compassion are inherent in our nature.
I s’pose its ok to fight an election on the future of the earth we live on, we have no future without it. I s’pose that for us who have already lived our lives and have ‘benefitted’ so much from the destruction of our planet it doesn’t really matter anymore. For us the reality has become, can we find dignity and a little contentment in a future that has no place for us, can we find a way not to be punished for growing old, or getting sick or injured earlier than those for whom the future is a somehow magical place of gold filled rosy bubbles floating on a never changing eternity.
If, as we are being told, that our children must be made to fear government, to live continually under threat of punishments then we must find a way to not have them have to live their lives like this … At the moment we have a chance to do it at the polls, for the moment, we should put aside the fact that the voting process, democratically speaking of course, is not fair. We know that our votes get traded and end up many times in the hands of those we would not wish to pass in the night (or from my point of view, would very much like to pass in the night) but, we still, not all of us anymore, do get the chance to vote and whatever the process delivers up to us we know where we placed our votes. So, regardless of where we may get told we placed our votes .. we will always know when we didn’t place them there and we should, its true, not find this acceptable .. however, we vote, we make democracy, not a government, so we will always know when the process we believe in is being corrupted. Its just so easy. But If the only way for us to secure our future – whatever the dream may be – is by hurting our fellow man and denying some the rights we hold dearly ourselves, then perhaps we do deserve to live under a Kings Divine Right .. perhaps.
There is no future in Fascism, in suspension of process for the benefit of a small clique of immoral narrow minded futurists. No future in a miasma of petty enterprises and fantasies of endlessly inserted middle men, no future in gated communities – which side of the fence does your future end up on? – no future in pretending that what we are doing now is the only guarantee of a beautiful forever world. No future in neoliberalism, even if it is marginally less dishonest than liberalism. Times pass for all things. Flogging dead horses is not only mindless but also dangerous – they do sometimes get up!
If we vote in a Morrison-Dutton-Porter government then we throw away a flawed but hard fought for Democracy and we lose any further chance at enabling true Democracy and an equitable and inclusive future. If we believe that Morrison’s god, Dutton’s bigoted cruelty and Porter’s absolute disregard for law and his corruption of process will build us a future full of brightness and wealth – that Dribble-down will suddenly flow – that Divine Right Fascism will secure Australia a noble and heavenly future in isolation .. then .. then we’re wrong. We already know we are stupid and greedy, what will it take for us to know that we are wrong?
There are thousands of us – ex Australians – 400 000 actually, 400 000 Aussies who have never not been allowed to participate in their futures, 400 000 Aussies whom the government has disenfranchised through slight of hand for reasons not explained to the people of Australia, 400 000 of us who are gnashing our teeth out in the nether regions, devoid of rights – nursing our souls through the love of our country and our hate for the rule by fear of punishment by a cheap Kings God.
We wait …
“There are a would-be smart set who lead silly and useless lives, give themselves airs and who are creating in society a false & unhealthy atmosphere which those, our youth, our children are quick to breathe.” – John Wren.