A Priest, a Lawyer and a Policeman.

A Priest, a Lawyer and a Policeman.

“The creation of this portfolio offends just about all generally accepted principles of machinery of government. Departments should be built around services to be performed rather than groups or individuals to be served. Like functions should be co-located. Police, prosecutorial and intelligence-gathering should be kept apart from related policy functions. And major responsibilities, like immigration, should have standalone departments.”

Ah, but the Fascists love State Security .. by any name, be it Home Affairs or the Department of Misinformation. They love having a department that induces fear in their societies. They love this stand alone Ministry that allows justification for state sponsored terror. They say,  “we are all one function … wielding state power to keep our fellow citizens safe and secure”. And to quote  Paddy Gourley of the Canberra Times, “Such hogwash exposes the distinguishing feature of home affairs: a stink of empire building at both the political and bureaucratic levels.”

Its rank corruption. When a minister lies to the people who he is paid by; when a Prime Minister lies to a people he has been imposed upon .. that is corruption. When a government subborns democratic process to cash collection from the ordinary man, leaving the Corporate world to cheat and steal from the country in the name of dribble down; that is corruption.

“In its short life, the portfolio has racked up an impressive number of administrative bungles, not just on Fijian citizenship and Interpol red notices but on major matters exposed by the Auditor-General. The more serious strike against it, however, is that it has allowed a range of unrelated functions to smother and corrupt immigration policy development and administration.” – Paddy Gourley, again. Yes, its an extremely expensive portfolio with nothing but lies and draconian punishments to dish out under the auspices of an Attorney General who is so befuddled by the definitions of corruption himself.

Now a country’s Attorney General is supposed to keep a government from running away with lies and deceit. S’posed to keep them honest, or within legality at least. So the two greatest problems Democracy in Australia has – besides a King who lies and believes his God will look after us – is a Fascist who enjoys the ‘secrecy’ of State Security and his power to harm and a corruption watchdog who can’t get his spiky little head around Corruption. There are things called mirrors, boys, buy one, charge it to the people of Australia, take a good long look at yourselves  .. and see how the democratic people of Australia define corruption.

Corruption is an LNP Morrison Government. Corruption is a King who can only tell lies. Corruption is a Ministry of State Security run by a failed ex-cop immersed in purgery, and corruption is a lawyer who can find nothing wrong in the processes of an immoral government .. even legally.

So where from here? An election. Sounds good. Who do you vote for? Someone honest? Unlikely. Could always get our representatives to sign a copy of the Fitzgerald Principles, won’t make em honest but will give us a hell of stick to impart some democratic principles with …
And cheap! No more Royal Commissions into ministerial integrity, no more fascist lawyers undecided on the principles of corruption, no more persecution of ordinary Aussies for our own good.

Thats right! We decide. We decide just who we want to represent us in the Holy House. We decide the values that become an Australian – not a priest, a lawyer and a policeman. And we decide just what is this thing, Corruption.

Corruption is a Liberal National Party government, as it always has been. True, even in opposition they will do everything they can to confuse the idea of corruption in the best interests of the Party .. but then those who voted for them will have this little bit of paper, a contract between a community representative and the community whom he or she represents. Its unfortunate, but without a Bill of Rights and without a proper Constitution we have no other easy choice and because Australia’s LNP governments have proved to be such good bedfellows with deceit and corruption we have a duty to our kids to reset the process now.

So cheap and easy .. and we should give it a go before we find we can only resort to arms in self-defence.

“The condition we call exile accelerates tremendously ones otherwise professional flight – or drift – into isolation, into an absolute perspective: into the condition in which all one is left with is oneself and ones own language, with no body or nothing in between.” – Joseph Brodsky


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