Lies for a Beautiful Future

Lies for a Beautiful Future

Scott Morrison’s evil pot’s attempting, once again, to blacken the Democratic kettle. Lies, more lies and .. dammit, more inane lies. Surely this is illegal? Surely all this harping on falsity by the King and his Merry Men, all this divisive draconian fear-mongering, all this deceit in the defence of a ‘possible unknown future outcome’ isn’t condusive to the values of our inclusive humanitarian community?

Since when do a people with Australia’s proud history, a people with a history of democratic action and a history of fighting for principles .. since when do we have to either listen to the LNP’s divine right lies or in fact, pretend to comply with the King’s mindlessness through induced fear?

Scott Morrison, Dirty Dutton and Christ Porter – along with their minions – should be put up against a wall, shot & deported .. if not for their corruption of Democracy then at least for their lies. Perhaps thats what the Kings doing ‘visiting’ his Christmas Island Gaol .. organising firing squads. We can only hope. He says he’s visiting to explain just why he wants to turn another lovely little island ( in the Indian Ocean now) into a political prison. The Christmas Islanders say they don’t want it; not for all the King’s stolen gold. They’re Aussies, we’ve got to presume they get a say.

This Kings election’s about Values make no mistake. It’s about the direction our country wants to take, it’s about a maintenance of democratic and transparent process into the future. The King’s boys put alot of .. shall we say, value, in the obscurity of their Values. (They don’t like the values that have made Oz what it is.) They laud the values of greed and petty self interest that have allowed these thieves to rise afloat to the top of the ‘scum’ of a people duped by three decades of creeping fascism and imposed ignorance. The King believes he can buy our votes with our own cash while screeching on about values that are either non existent, anti-democratic or downright un-Australian.

I mean, how can this mob throw so much of our hoarded moolah – which of course could be used for our Health, Education or Welfare – about in tourist advertisement in an attempt to bribe us into believing their lies and fear inducing claptrap – without proof but thankfully for our own good. All’s fair – Anything that would maintain the Kings status quo, his draconian anti-democratic system of hidden values and his party’s procedural corruption .. and of course his paycheck. What part of our population believes the rubbish that vomits out of the mouths of the King’s men (his women are utterly incapable of telling the truth) in their scrabble to keep power and induce national purity?

Who are these Australians who would raise the values of corruption, ignorance and deceit to such heights, such heights that they become the paragon not just of Government ministers but of all the little children in emulation too?

The King worships false gods and reads too many banned fairy stories, he corrupts Democracy and praises ideals long ago left off by the people of Australia for the benefit of a few Corporate stars and a narrow minded vision for the future of his children. Thank god Australia’s for more than just the Kings kids.

I wonder what the King’s kids do when all the other children are out striking for Democracy? Make Union Jack tie pins and learn the value of lies, I suppose …

“They go into the fire on the strength of Faith and not on the strength of Truth. For to be a martyr by the will of god, one needs a greater cause than the number of times a person is baptised. To obtain this passport nobody has been ordered to die by God. Should anybody die on account of the Word .. he ought to abound mighty in the Holy Spirit. Blessed are they that die for their faith, but to die for the articles of faith, that is to die for misbelief.” – Paracelsus.

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