She Threw the Glass Darkly ..
Oh I’m so sorry, she said. Na, don’t be sorry the whole Western World is turning to corruption and misinformation .. its the backlash against Democracy we’ve always been promised was going to happen. I take it you vote?
Well, I didn’t last time but I’m sure goin’ to next time!
Hmm, I said, there’s going to be a change .. the whole worlds going to make a change …
This was her answer to my question about whether she was ‘American’, I always ask if they are American if im not sure if they’re Canadian or not. Canadians hate been mistaken for Yanks. Yanks don’t seem to care .. these days I think most of them are only too happy to pretend to be Canadian. She’s American and not very proud of this fact at the present time .. almost ashamed, but she admits it. I said, Honey, compared to us, you don’t have that much to be ashamed of. Trumps an idiot and is doing everything in his power to destroy democratic process but here in Australia, here we have a Government that’s destroying not just the Democratic process – which here in our country isn’t enshrined as moral law – but the soul of our country too. Its interesting to see how the process can fight back. In the States you do at least have a Democracy, or rather you have democratic process that stand up for themselves .. and the odd Democrat with social conscience. In the States you have a tradition where the government acts out the peoples will, on their behalf .. you shed your own blood for it. In the States the process is Democracy. Here we have no such thing, and what we are proud to have .. we shed other peoples blood for. Disgraceful.
But Australia’s a Democracy, she said, don’t you have processes that stand up for .. protect themselves? Don’t you have processes that can protect the people from immoral legislation, minority government and ministerial deceit?
Don’t we wish said I, here we haven’t even been bothered to protect our right to open dissent and fair representation – the Lucky Country! I don’t believe in guns, but, at least in the States, with everybody running about the place armed, it gives the government something to keep in the back of their narrow little minds. Its unfortunate, but with the rise of Fascism in the Western World and the complacency of self bubbling humans .. and the false alarm of non compliant terrorism, a few guns in the hands of a democratic population can go along way; History tells us so – if not to keep the peace then at least to lessen State terror. You know, just as a threat if you like? After all democracy says we have a right to its processes as well, and if we have to fight, or use threats to maintain them – as Australia’s current government does in its attempt to maintain its rule by fear – then thats what Democracy demands. Democracy doesn’t exist when it’s keeping is placed in the hands of a government. Democracy, always is the property of the people and never the property of a government, in fact its the only property worth fighting and dying for, for that very reason. Unlike in the States with Don Juan, here we have a Government that actually calls itself the great Protecter of Democracy but under no circumstances will it allow the use of democratic processes or listen to the will of the people. In fact this disgraceful Australian Government keeps trying to tell us that Democracy and such values as Humanity, Inclusiveness and Transparency are in fact, undemocratic. They actually say, that Democracy and social conscience besmirch the true Australian character! No, I’m serious, that is exactly what they say.
Thats a real shame says she, its such a big beautiful country .. I wish I could live here forever.
Nice thought but you missed it by a century I said. You’re better off with Trump and the US Constitution, at least that way you have a guarantee that democratic process must be used … And if its not, then you have your guns so you can fight to defend the process. Australia’s a monarchy. Were subjects of Great Britain and even though the mother country does have strong democratic process and individual protections under a Bill of Rights – can you believe, we actually have a constitution that makes a Bill of Rights illegal! – these protections have never really transfered here into the colony. Well thats not true, Aussies built on Democracy, its just that we’ve enshrined a corrosive defensive Fascism within a morally bankrupt and socially outdated constitution. While Britain was fighting for and maintaining basic human rights, here in Oz we were wallowing in sunshine and greed and representational corruption. We’re a very greedy and selfish country. For some reason here, we have a government that believes it can rule our world through fear, intimidation & deceit. Thinks it can oppress Democracy in the interests of its own future. Which would perhaps be possible if we knew the earth only had another decade to live – and, who knows, with our neoLibNat governments belief in stagnant eternity perhaps it does. Certainly if we here in Oz are going to continue to allow government ministers to think we work for them and that we have raised the members of government up on the pedestals they themselves believe they deserve to be raised up on, well .. well with the ignorance and obvious belief that might is right, that government ministers assume some divine right .. and the wisdom that comes with it, then perhaps, perhaps the earth will be gone in another decade. Ruin all those bubbles complacent Australia is building to protect itself from the nasty, evil world!
She said, its a real shame really isn’t it. More than a shame said I, its criminal.
“Sensitivity to beauty is one of our strongest defences; without it we would perish from truth.” – Nietzsche.