King Threatens Continued Corruption.
When a government threatens a people, whether it be with lies or big stick physical therapy .. then the people have every right in the world to defend themselves from that government. Tis true, that the Corporations have this same right too – but then they’re part of the system and can afford to fight both the people and the government, they dont have to fight very hard as the government fights their battles for them. An election is where we get to wield the stick and our stick is always bigger than the government’s.
So with King Shnot and his band of brothers rising to a crescendo of electioneering fibs (lies), the fearmongering of divine right ideology and their general corruption of the values that made Australia, what do we do? We wait for more unspecified outcomes to deliver the great utopian dream of dribble down. Thats right, we wait. We wait for their promises to come true, because eventually of course they must. Not this century – hell thats almost gone – but in the ‘future’. Of course while were waiting for the dribble, the government is filling its pockets with our cash. Its a question of digestion, mastication, absorbtion and – POW! dribble down. But we have moolah in the bank .. so they say .. and the bank is the right place for our money. Our money works for us there, in the banks, and saves the government having to fork out – out of their pockets – Australian treasure that’s in safe keeping for us for our happy futures. Its a wonderful system that bears no tampering with. Most definitely the system requires no scrutiny via that diabolically difficult to define ideal that is – Corruption.
However, I’m not happy with it. I dont like ‘unspecified outcomes’. I find it difficult to assess the value of unspecified outcomes without knowing what they are, and more importantly, knowing what means will be used to achieve these vacuous results. Yes, I have old fashioned Aussie values .. I’m not likely to allow you to train my dog to be a vegetarian unless I know just how you intend to achieve this miraculous outcome. Why are the King’s lies not considered to be corruption when mine would be?
So the neoLibNats (that’s our mandated government) .. when they manage to band together in defence of their King .. will be wanting to purchase my vote. It’s for sale, but I’m likely to want a definition of lies and corruption that applies to all of us equally, I’m likely to want to know just what the ‘outcomes’ the King’s men have in mind are, and I’m unlikely to want to wait for the future to have the King and his Band of Thieves dribble over me.
The Muppet King’s already spurting forth lies and conjuring up fear in order to slam home his Ideology of Corruption … Not interested in us, Australia – whom in theory he works for – no, interested in his Gods and in his bank accounts. He’s interested in the future only to the point that nothing will ever change in the grand scheme of things for his kiddies – that’s admirable .. but, his kids aren’t paying him. Ours are! And what’s worse is that they pay out of their futures because he steals from our present.
Poor naked wretches, wheresoe’er you are,
That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm,
How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides,
Your looped and windowed raggedness, defend you
From seasons such as these? O, I have ta’en
Too little care of this! Take physic, pomp;
Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel,
That thou mayst shake the superflux to them
And show the heavens more just. – King Lear.