The Conjuring of Shadows
Ours .. aint it? I mean this dosh the neoLibs – the poor Nats just dont get a look in these days eh – are going to jump up and down about saving the country .. its actually our money, taken from us in order to provide the things we need on a collective basis. You know, from those according to their means, to those according to their needs. Is that the ideal?
This ‘budget surplus’. How do we get a surplus? That’s got to be treasure the rulers have taken from us and decided that we don’t need, that we don’t deserve to have spent upon the things we need; and the things we want. Beside the point that it’s dodgy – we’ll say creative accounting – why isn’t this moolah spent on us? Why hasn’t it been spent on our Education, Welfare, Environment and Health Systems, you know the things that are good and beneficial for us – Australia, as a whole .. for the future? What’s it hoarded for?
How much is it the King is prancing about telling us he’s saved us – $4 billion!? How can he save us our own money, money that s’posed to be spent on us, money he’s squirreled away through some underhanded neoliberal trick of the light? What’s he saving it for? His boys salarys? Corporate handouts? Social policing? Mmmm .. for our future. But we don’t have a future – the King said so. Except in heaven. (I do wish that Pope would shut heaven so we can get some things done down here!)
Now I’m no corporative executive, true, but it does seem to me that the money taken from us for the benefit of the whole, is supposed to be spent on us as a whole .. each year. I mean, the Kings thieves are intending to rob us of more .. again .. in the coming year .. and for eternity. For our own good, of course.
You’d have to hope he’s not going to spend it in Election Promises … On more lies. How can he take money taken from us under false pretenses in the past, and spend it on us in the future? Especially when his dragoons keep telling us that they can’t afford us in the future. Especially when the future that they can’t afford us in, is at the same time being taken away from us … Destroyed by the Kings apparent belief in the powers of his prayers and the never changing rape of his gods Earth.
“Man makes their own history, but they do not make it just as they please.” – Karl Marx.