The King’s Opinion (2)
Billy Boy, the King says you’re not talking to the right people! He says you’ve got it all wrong .. he says that ‘mainstream Australia’, thats the “Christian majority” have a different idea regarding just what injustice and tolerance are …
He says justification of intolerance are what Aussies want. Says its fundamental to a true Aussie character. He says corruption also is tolerable as long as its Pistol Pete’s – and Christ’s – version of it. However …
He has sprung up on that old band wagon and not because it looks like fun, but because its actually his band wagon. Him and his boys a been dragging the chains on that old band wagon all year, he says. Now I may be blind deaf and dumb, I may be getting dragged through the mud behind this old wagon in the interests of this Kings Opinion, but I’m not quite sure that he’s not talking through his arse.
Lets examine this band wagon of the kings – its certainly full of some dangerous shit. In the first place this mainstream Christian majority doesn’t live here any more – sure there are enclaves of Christian intolerance in areas like the Kings Shire, and no doubt his BBQs reek of it – but the problem Billy Boy, is that your not coming to his parties .. you’re not getting the good news, your only talking to the miscreants … I think what he means is that you, Billy Boy – and the crowd of recalcitrants you are attempting to represent – need a good dose of Porter & Pistol Pete. A good dose of deceit, a good dose of fear of law.
So, despite the people’s definition, Christ is having none of it; Corruption, says Judge Porter, is defined by the Kings Opinion and the Kings Opinion is defined by his Merry Men. So being blind – like justice – and deaf and dumb like the King, I’m going to exercise that little right I once had to the participation in the creation of definitions. Yes, I’m going to remind these wise judges that we, the freedom loving people of Australia, us corrupted by the Ideal of Democracy – us recalcitrant miscreants – like the definition of corruption to be as broad as can possible be. We especially like it when our definition of corruption can apply .. not just to the King and his Fascist Buffoons, but to any representative with their hands in the public chest. We think that it’s actually up to us, the People of Australia, to decide just what is corrupt when it comes to our democracy … And, we don’t think that all the Kings Men get a right to stand outside our definition of corruption just because they’re the Kings Men.
We also think that we should get to watch, to see that our representatives don’t stray from our broad definition into the narrow confines of the kings mainstream ignorant intolerance. Yes we do!
So, just once again for your benefit, O King, we’d like to simplify this definition of Representative Corruption – and make no mistake, almighty King, we consider your lies and your miscarriage of parliamentary process to be the single most corrupting influence on the good children of this lucky Country. O King, you of the majority of Christ, we want your signature on a little piece of paper. We desire your signature; we demand it – and that of every single representative of the People of Australia, no matter whether they want to talk to the right people or the wrong people – we want your signature on a copy of the Fitzgerald Principles!
No sign. No vote. No access to our gold.
“The functions of ministers and magistrates, commonly so called, do not relate to any particular topic respecting which they have a right exclusive of the representative assembly. They do not relate to any supposed necessity for secrecy; for secrecy in political affairs is rarely salutary or wise, and secrets of state will commonly be found to consist of that species of information relative to the interest of a society respecting which the chief anxiety of its depositories is that it should be concealed from the members of that society.” – William Godwin.