Taking Refuge in Discretion

Taking Refuge in Discretion

So because you are all so bored with my usual tripe .. my usual wrong headed socialist human rights farouche, I thought I’d put some sort of a philosophical question into your facing winds.

Lets take as an example a great Australian, shall we say a man for poor seasons .. let’s take Pistol Pete Dutton – not down to the seaside to drown – lets take his powers of discretion exercised for the common good.

Pistol Pete holds his electoral seat – Dickson – by an insurmountable majority of 1.6%. that is, he has a mandate to act as he sees fit for 51.4% of the good Australians who choose to make their home in the electoral gerrymander of Dickson.
How is it that this man – this Dirty Dutton – is able to take this overpowering mandate from the good Australians of Dickson, and exercise his great wisdom in the interests of 25 million Australians? Now I don’t know the population of this place called Dickhead .. sorry, Dickson – though I’m sure with a quick gobble of it I could find out – lets say, since he is a great Australian, that he is the representative of 1 million Australians (which means that there must be about 2 million Aussies residing in Dickson, of which 50% of them don’t have the character of a good Australian – or they would have voted for him and his mandate would be even more comprehensively overwhelming).

Now this man, this great Australian – who shades such other great Australians as Fred Hollows or Gough Whitlam or Ned Kelly, as example – is worried that this appalling system called Democracy is curtailing his discretionary powers (which this appalling system called Demockracy says he has the character and wisdom to exercise) which he of course exercises, due to his mandate, in the best and most noble interests of the people of the Kingdom of Australia. And of course, since his powers are discretionary, he has no obligation to share his wisdom with us … According to law.

Why is this so? Does anybody have a white board that would help me do the arithmetic and to help me understand a question such as this?

Im assuming that it is okay to say ‘white’ board? Truth is I’m terrified to say $#&ck board lest I fall foul of his powers of extraordinary discretion.

“While at times, Art may be a crime; Crime is never art” – mjw

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