What is the job of a government? A democratic Australian government?
Not much, it seems, other than indoctrination through intimidation, process disruption and the policing of morality and conscience. Oh, and collecting and hoarding moolah. Why is it that the King is going to use such ideology as an election manifesto? He’s said that nothing else matters, that these are the only true Aussie values – greed, coercion and fundamentalist purity (as long as its his).
Outsourcing outcomes … They’ll become even more unspecified. Immigration run on cash gathering. Like Welfare, Health and Education.
This game corrupts our kids. It impresses an ideology upon them, it’s effectively a system of indoctrination. Indoctrinating our youth that torture and deprivation, that’s Hell expensive, can be made to look wonderful in a ‘budget’ through neoliberal accounting practice – regardless of human cost – in the name of a pure and safe Australia. Is it right that we teach our kids only the Kings ideology?
Don’t you think it makes a farce out of the so called ‘liberal & democratic’ System of Law when the system can be arbitrarily overidden at the discretion of a Government Minister? Especially when it’s obvious that the minister, though technically a representative of the people, chooses to ignore the desires of the people in favour of his own, or his King’s, desire.
So, what about Dirty Dutton’s serious criminals, who are these dangerous men? What is it that makes them so dangerously criminal?These fathers, sons and brothers who the King’s had imprisoned out in the pacific for five years .. these dangerous boys in Armani rags. Surely if they are that dangerous we’d have had em put to death before this, or we’d a put em on a plane and posted them back to from whence they came. For a government that prides itself on cash hoarding, to spend so much of our dosh on incarceration and human rights denial .. well, it doesn’t seem right, doesn’t add up, does it? How do they get the books to balance? Stuart Robert & Matty the Mop that’s how – creative accounting. Creative accountability.
They do have an eye on some sort of a future. Must have, they’re buying outmoded fighting machines for $120 million a piece .. all for our own good.
“Nothing politically can be of greater importance than the reduction of that discretionary power in an individual which may greatly affect the interests or fetter the deliberations of the many.”
– Godwin, ‘Of Legislative and Executive Power, An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice.’.