Ideological Renewal
Australia New Century started this day, Monday 26th Nov. 2018
Wow, what a day .. you’d think a day after you’d reversed over yourself in your own driveway, you’d keep away from the mail box. Eh?
Got to give him a point, he’s ‘aving a go! They think were so fuckin stupid .. dont they? Why should we expect less? Just another expensive day of chain dragging deceit in the good old Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. While the neoLibNats charge on blindly with their attempted enslavement of the country they tangle themselves up in Constitutional Corruption. One of the problems, Shnotty, when you give a bunch of fascists misfits the freedom to interpret the Constitution as they see fit. I shouldn’t laugh, after all, it’s us, the Aussie people who suffer … And pay.
So as that great law interpreter Christ Porter admits that he doesnt understand what corruption is and his bully boy Pistol Pete takes a sicky to ensure he’s not about to face the music .. and add his voice to the ‘nays’ – and its a big voice when he’s threatening little children and foreign born citizens or when he feels his bank accounts are under attack or feels he’s subverting Democracy and due process – you may read corrupt, Mr Porter – the King’s here warning the kids that protesting isn’t the way to get things done anymore, not while he’s in charge anyway .. and boy, let him tell you, he’s in charge!
When history counts again we’re going to get a new Public Holiday and it’s going to be on the 26th – so should keep all the royalists happy – and at a much better time of the year too, cause we desperately need one in November. We can call it ‘Remember Whitlam Day’, the day when Australia’s parliament finally took note of the fact they are employed by us to act in our general interests .. and voted to punish corruption in their ranks. It gets messy from here of course, cause the King’s men (and women) are going to fight like hell to prevent anything like an Anti-Corruption body acting on behalf of us, the people of Australia.
But, despite the King saying they’ve been working toward this anti corruption thing for ever .. just waiting for Christ Porter and his New Guard maggots to get their heads around the actual meaning of corruption, and despite the kids wanting to march through the streets like their grandmas and grandpas once had the balls to do, the King says that activism shouldn’t be for the children of the future and they should stay in school and leave it to him. Why? Cause he’s wise. And how do we know he’s wise? Cause he’s rich and he’s both wise because he’s rich, and rich because he’s wise. He got himself caught up in the dribble down effect at some time in the past, and corruption is just an accepted part of the great game of kings.
So the next argument, after the argument that we don’t understand what corruption really is, is the argument that the children of the future can’t afford the moolah to waste on silly fringe issues such as Democracy, accountability and transparency – not for a thousand years or so anyway.
We have a cheap alternative already. Ive lost all my rights so I’ve got nothing more to lose .. give me a day in Parliament, I’m sure I can sort it out.
“Indifferent nature may not supply the answers that our souls seek” – Stephen Jay Gould.