Free Terminology
While we’re talking terminology & since our promotion, and love affair, with technology so increases that most important entity Profit – which is perhaps our greatest love – and since this technology makes it so much more productive to make a buck with much less bang .. don’t you think its time to rename unemployment & homelessness?
As technology increases profit, and the use of technology to make profit equates, naturally, to unemployment which in this New Australia equates to homelessness, and since technology and profit are such popular terms it seems obvious to me, that we could make unemployment and homelessness popular through terminology.
I mean, we can’t get away from the fact that our Brave New Australia creates more and more unemployment .. and therefore, homelessness. Nor can we get away from the fact that our brave new world leaders enjoy so, the criminalisation of unemployment and homelessness. So let’s change all this else we all become criminals of inevitability.
No? Not popular? Surely it’s better than banning these things .. isn’t it? Its one thing to ban unemployment and homelessness … I can see how that is popular, but banning these things creates criminals and it’s really hard to keep banning the things that we are creating.
Now, I’m just thinking – before that’s banned too – please, somebody let me know if thats already been banned. There’s got to be a popular solution, and if were so happy chasing profit then were going to have to rename unemployment … As I said I’m just thinking.
So, we’ve tried it with Death – reterminalising (could be a new word, someone really should stop me from thinking!) – haven’t we, Euphemising it .. so to speak. But, it hasn’t made it more popular. Perhaps we should rename it Birth, death that is, that may work – no penalties for birth .. other than life.
Or, we could just go on using the neoLibNats method of keeping the old terminology but insisting that it means something completely different. That seems quite popular. Stupid, true .. but popular.
Nah, too much thinking .. too obvious. Me? I’d be destroying all the machines but then that could be construed as terrorism – still if we are going to change the meaning of everything one could probably get away with it.
“Daddy ..”
“Yes son?”
“Daddy are there still men with the sun in their eyes?”
“Yes son .. but they’re all blind.”