Are there still Men with the Sun in their Eyes?
Why is Fascism infiltrating the National Party?
Because that’s how Fascism works, by infiltration. Why the National Party? Because it’s a small dying Party holding on to the coat-tails and trailing in the wake of their brother party of false value and self interest the nLNP. History … It’s repeating. Fascism thrives on ignorance, self interest and complacency .. and it judges that the mass of man are sufficeintly consumed with false interest and are sufficeintly cowed by deceit and a fear of law to be able to begin another rule by fear of law. It’s now or never. Fascism doesn’t believe in Future.
Why is everyone so dumbfounded about this? Anyone with even a modicum of the knowledge of history knows that Fascism didn’t lose the 2nd World War – Adolf Hitler and his Army did. Fascism was exported and embraced by the USA, by the USSR and all other worshippers of Power. Why? Because it’s the ideology of a Ruling Elite. It just needed to be obscured from a public – the mass of man – that had been subjected to its policies and its waste. The destruction of WWII and the reasons given to the mass of man to pull together and fight against Nazi Germany tired out Western Civilization. Was this right, was this just? Well, the fight certainly was and the reasons given for the fight were good reasons .. and Hitler’s Army was defeated. Remember, it was another war to end all wars. Except man does not want to end war. War, for man, is always the final solution. Might is always Right.
The policies of Fascism, Corporativism are the policies of a supposed elite who believe that man – the mass of man – needs to be led and bled for the benefit of this few. This mass of man, this majority of humans, is a frightening entity for those who believe in the collection of Power. Gold is their god because they believe that gold buys power. Gold buys guns. Guns can give power. But also, if this supposed elite can convince the mass of man to also believe that gold buys prosperity and humanity and peace then this mass will lose their souls in the chase – In the crass hoarding of a petty power .. the false power of individualism.
(You see the important questions are those that everyone tiptoes around. Those that we deflect. Those that we answer with such statements as, “.. it depends on from where you view the world.”, Don’t you worry about that .. these things can’t happen anymore .. etc etc .. those questions that those who are co-opted and corrupted in the chase roll their eyes at .. as though they are beneath answering. The questions that challenge those who are frightened to be challenged on what they preach!)
Fascism is rife in this not so very brave and not so very new world. It’s resurfaced because the chase for, and hoarding of gold, has stopped being a sop to the the masses of man. Once again us masses have woken and begun to take a look about at this new world where technology and false value and rabid right wing feminism don’t appear to be doing the things they say they are. Man is an animal and evolution can’t be rushed by gold and power and guns. The mass of man wants peace. ‘Prosperity’ isn’t part of the equation, it’s a false value. Peace will deliver prosperity. Progress isn’t part of the equation, it is an imposter. Peace will deliver progress. This 21st Century is a time of deceit. Our technology is mistaken for evolution … These things can’t happen anymore, Uncle Mitch. What things can’t happen?
But enough. I have written on this more extensively and this is not the place to place a book that will not be read.
Why have the new New Guard decided to infiltrate the National Party? Because they have already infiltrated the Liberal Party. And because they fear Democracy and Democracy still has the power to force Fascism back into the shade. Fascism has never been an ideology for future – it is impatient for power – and while these fascists pretend to be looking after our futures they have no time for it. They fear that the Earth itself will not allow them their time in the sun. They want their power now. But the children are waking. Even though we have done everything possible to wrap the poor little bastards in cotton wool, insulate them from the reality of life, debase their education and inculcate the same false value we absently and negligently embraced – through our fear of another war – the children can see that the Earth may not give them their time in the sun. And they, like all animals want their time in the sun!
” The Union didnt save my job!”
” What did Col?”. ” Nothin. Fuckin lost the job …fuckin government.” “What Union? Did you join?”
“Oh I dont fuckin know, some steel mob. Fuckin Unions.”
“You were a member?”
“Na. Fuckin Unions!”