Look Where I’m Pointing, Not at The Finger
Well, seems I’m back travelling with the Trogs .. watching the bush be stripped of its future soil just to build a little fire to watch. I don’t suppose anyone’s ever going to want to plant anything here again?
Them’s the breaks. Gotta get born earlier. It’s not surprising that the Kings Minister for the Earth can only think in terms of filthy lucre – it’s their primary excuse for not doing anything. Cash!
Not enough for this not enough for that etc. Though they give it away when they need our votes. Fools gold though, they’ll say they didn’t say they would or that it’s needed for the kids future, once that vote is in … While I’m on the subject of integrity and the rape of the environment in the interest of our kids, I hear Little Johnny’s written an ‘Open Letter’ to the neoLibs of Wentworth. Says they’ll be robbing the king if they vote for someone else .. says it will be considered a protest. And don’t forget, were un-Australian if we dare to protest. So, here’s my 2 cents worth … My Open Letter; to all those in Wentworth who are selecting themselves a representative – who of course will act only in your best interest – think of this (just incase your selection forgets your interests in the future) – has your prospective representative signed the Fitzgerald Principles? Get em to sign a copy on your way into the poll booth .. they’ll all be there with their promises .. hummin’ for your cash!
Now back to our environment, Ms Pryce, the kings minister for the Earth .. or coal .. same thing, reckons the Pacific Islanders all want to drown with arm loads of Aussie gold.. nitwit. They want to buy rafts! So that when our coal drowns their land, they can at least have a chance to paddle on to Nauru and join our other refugees on holiday there. Pistol Pete says they can get free medical attention there too, says the chaps in Armani suits have had millions and millions and millions of our bucks spent on them. Sounds like a fucking resort eh?
Not that Pete’s happy about it. Says it’s all come out of our childrens future! Well we should bring them here .. save us a mint. Not that the kids seem to care.
“The tools of peace are the weapons of war.” – John Frederick Charles Fulller.