When will the Good Apples fall ..

When will the Good Apples fall ..

Gladys B. sees eye to eye with Shnotty & Pistol Pete. ‘Shut it down! Shut it down forever! ..’ . Thats the way, ban everything you dont understand or that just may be considered a progressive liberating experience. Shnotty says, ‘ No bullying, no intimidation in the Federal neoLibs. Not up here in the my Holy House anyway’. By the time his fools step up to collect their cheques, well, ‘ all the bullyings been done & dusted by then’, he says, .. dusted with cocaine most likely. Head fool says he wants a ‘vigorous & open’ way of handling complaint within his self interested and money grubbing neoLib party (I bet the coke flows there!) … Something like a Royal Commission, perhaps? Says, the neoLibs should ‘stop playing games’ with Australia’s cash and serve the Australian people. Says, he likes the way Don handles things, he gets it!

Gladys B says, ‘ no way, no way she’s going to allow informed choice in her fifedom.’ . She will not! .. she says. Sounds alot like bullying dont it? Come on Glad, get with the times. It’s a sure bet that Pistol Pete never exhaled after injecting his drug of choice, but Gladys you’re a Sydney girl – its okay not to hold your breath forever .. though we’d rather you did!

She’s building prisons, she’s gonna privatise them .. and then, then, well just you wait and see. She’s building a steeper slippery slope now that that idiot in Rome has closed Hell. She’s building Hell on Earth – whether we like it or not! Seems she’d rather have the children wailing about pissed out their heads and killing each other that way. Gambling, alcohol & tobacco are okay they’re State sponsored drugs – Good stuff.

Now me, being someone with no idea .. out of touch with reality, I’m wondering if I could just slip in a little idea of my own .. forgive me children I’m not happy that Hells shut either .. but, what about a PLEBIFARCE on drugs and quality testing? Surely its cheaper than prisons.

Oh, and Pete, most people don’t inject marijuana. They dont – perhaps they do in your gaol cells but out here in the free world, they dont!

” .. the worst enemies of humanity are those whom wish, under pretext of compassion, to continue its ills through the generations.” – Aleister Crowley.

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