

Trust me! A new directive from Obfuscotty. Says, No Questions on anything that the public ‘thinks’ they need to know. Thinking you need to know and actually needing to know are not the same .. trust me, he says! Trust me, I’m in charge now, Pistol Pete’s an angel & no one has ever said the neoLibs were a democratic party .. trust me.

He appears to believe we should trust him. Why? I havent looked, has he signed the Fitzgerald Principles?

Seriously, these imps TELL us to trust them and say its unnecessary for us to know what they are up to. Outcomes is what they’re givin us. Diarrhoea more like it. God & Law, Lies & Deceit. Trust us!

Come the next election there should not be one ‘elected’ representative of his or her community that HASN’T signed up to the Fitzgerald Principles. A signed copy should be nailed up in every public place before they are even considered as our representative. Its the bare minimum we should accept from any servant of the public. From the biggest tool in the box right down to the prettiest dolled-up parrot manning a game station in a government shop front.

No sign. No trust. No vote.

This is a way to begin to clean up your democracy before violence becomes the only reasonable way, but along with it you should insist on electing your representative from your community and refuse to have one imposed upon you.

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