Ive Got a Bike You can Ride it if You Like ..

Ive Got a Bike You can Ride it if You Like ..

Great we have been given a new chief thief. Don’t throw out those old dictionaries .. Scotty’s a language guru, can make nonsense out of anything that make sense.
He was ‘elected’ our leader. Elected with a very slim majority by a minority within a minority. Thats how we, Australia, get our gifted leaders … By a default. No options. Thank god the English didnt have to come down here again!
Safe pair of hands they say. Yep .. as long as we can keep them out of our pockets. Safe, like hell. He has a pack of dangerous muppets lurcking around behind him, advising him – whispering mumbling bobbing their empty heads. Yes sir, no sir three more bags full – Sir! You trust them? Me? No fuckin way – they’re fascists, no real better term. Corporatives? neoLibs? Have bad attitude and are dishonest. Lots of talk of 25 million Australians, equity and the ‘ law of the land’ – a little better than the ‘rule by fear of law’. Of course whose land it is, and therefore, by whose law we can fuck it and exclude others from it .. well, thats a question best left for the future, once we have had our fill.

They want to work for you? Get em to sign the Fitzgerald Principles*.

“There is scarcely anything better calculated to destroy respect for parliament .. than this privilege of parliament.” – John Wren.

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