Let’s Talk Cuddly Soft

Let’s Talk Cuddly Soft

A new website! U Can Talk.. RUOK? Apparently these socially uplifting sort of sites do us a world of good. A world of good? My arse. Why is it that these social uplifters always want to link suicide to mental health? If we Can Talk, then its time to broaden the whole topic and for the uplifters to realise that for some, suicide is a Right of Life. For some of us, regardless wether you think we are deranged, our lives as we need them, yes, as we need, require them.. are done. We dont feel productive and we’re told we’re not. Time gentlemen please!
For some of us, when we stand looking back we see all our lifes work. We see its good – maybe not quite as good as we would’ve liked it, but good enough. Good enough now when there’s nothing more we can do. Good enough to call time. Looking forward we see the complete negation of our work, our ideals our values and we see a sad repeat of history coming for our kids. I mean, here in the lucky country – Australia – weve had to watch while our kids have allowed Fascism to raise its ugly head again & worse we have to listen to them tell us it’s good.

So, when you can rationalise life so, why is it that you must be considered insane, mentally unhealthy, just because your world has ended and rational thought tells you that there is nothing good for you in this Wonderful New World.. brave it certainly aint.

“It does not seem to me…a matter for so much disturbance. If a man has made up his mind to kill himself, let him do it, in gods name, like a gentleman. This flutter and big talk is out of place. – Robert Louis Stevenson.

You know, its seems to me – from where I view the world, of course – that this heavy handed approach, this false humanitarianism, to the right to one own life is still nothing less than an enforced suffering quota. Us extras are continually told how useless and expensive we are to the future… Fine, let us get off where we want! But allow us our dignity too.

Q. What about converting all those stupid soft toy machines in shopping centres into Instant Death Booths? Surely we have the technology?

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